
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Afro Banzai, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Afro Banzai

    Afro Banzai Forerunner

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    Hey guys, first map I've ever made so go easy on me. :)

    Tetra is basically a small symmetrical slayer map. Best for 2-4 players. Its still a work in progress so I have a lot to do.

    EDIT 3: I've totally re-worked the rocket spawn, added more cover and made some other minor changes.

    Now the weapons are:

    1xRocket (No extra clips/180 sec respawn)
    1xShotgun (1 extra clip/150 sec respawn)
    4xAssault Rifle
    8x Frag Grenade

    4x Health Pack

    Here's some pics of the updated version

    Please leave feedback. Constructive Criticism is welcome, just don't be too harsh, this is my first map and I know its not nearly as good as most of the maps on here. :)
    #1 Afro Banzai, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  2. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually, this looks pretty good. What I might suggest is a little variation in the opposite bases. Like have 2 bases opposite of each other the same, and the 2 other bases on a different design. Also, the windy catwalks to the different bases seem a bit unnecessary. Maybe a little squiggle (lol), but not so much that it upsets the player, you know?

    Nice first map. You've got potential.
  3. Afro Banzai

    Afro Banzai Forerunner

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    Thanks for the input. Now that I look at it I agree about the catwalks. I'll see if I can fix it. And for this map I want all the bases to be exactly the same. Idk why but I just really like perfectly symmetrical maps.

    What do you think of the weapons? Should I add another power weapon like a Sniper, or do you think the Rocket and Shotgun is enough?

    Thanks again. :)
  4. Nexovus

    Nexovus Forerunner

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    Seems very simple, but there is beauty in simplicity. However, seems like no matter where you go, you will be in someones LoS which will be a problem with DMRs on a map this size. People might end up camping their own base making it more of a duck hunt game. If you add a Sniper Rifle, it might be a little OP... start the spawn killings. Try adding some aesthetic barriers here and there between catwalks and the center area, should solve that problem easily ;)
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I agree with Nex, as it stands it appears very very open. You might want to break up some Lines of Sight with large decorative pieces. Paired with what Redneck said, I also agree it is a nice map due to it's simplicity, however, there are improvements that can be made to make the map play much better.

    The rocket spawn isn't exactly ideal, it seems rather campy as it's a place a lot of people will go, it has a dominant power weapon, and it has cover from all sides, i'd recommend moving the rockets down to the lower platform as it's more open and gives some people a chance of getting down there unharmed.

    Overall, a nice map.
  6. Afro Banzai

    Afro Banzai Forerunner

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    Thanks for the suggestions. I know its very simple, thats what I am going for. Don't want to start out with an extremely elaborate map. 'na mean?

    What exactly do you mean by "aesthetic barriers"? Give me an example please. Sorry if this is a stupid question lol

    Hey thanks.

    So you think I should put shotgun up top and rockets at the bottom?
    #6 Afro Banzai, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Again, the top isn't exactly a great place for many weapons in regards to map flow. It's the only point in the map which provides cover from all angles and sight line to all bases, it appears to be a very controlling point. The only thing to make it more controlling would be to add a power weapon to it (like it's got) and increase it's height. If anything, you should have a middle tier weapon, not something common like DMR, AR or NR, instead something like a Plasma Pistol or Plasma Rifle will work just as well.

    It's an ideal weapon for the destination, but it isn't too dominant when rushed by multiple opponents. A good weapon for the situation at hand, but not one to run around a large open area with.

    If you're stuck with weapon layout and map design, take what you have, set up a game and see what works, if you feel you don't want to unveil a map to everyone then predict how gameplay works. Considering most people prefer to use a DMR in matchmaking and custom games you'll have to take into consideration long sight lines. A very open map allows all players with DMR's an opportunity to shoot across map from a static location. Place objects in the way of their sight lines, it causes the players to move around the map to be able to see their opponents.

    So far, you're choice of power weapon is quite good, rockets appear to be a good addition to the map as they aren't an amazing weapon at long range so it requires the user to either run to the enemy to put them to use or to camp the middle room. Either way, it will create some good movement from a few players in the game.
  8. Afro Banzai

    Afro Banzai Forerunner

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    Ok thanks a lot for the advice. I've edited the OP with the updated version. Let me know what you think.

    Thanks a lot for all the help guys. :)
    #8 Afro Banzai, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol, anytime :)

    I couldn't recommend any particular items. Experiment, find out what you like / thinks looks good and just jump into player mode to see if it divides the map up correctly or not. Everyone has their own forging style, i'm quite crap when it comes to things looking good so you might want to speak to some of the architects of the forums.
  10. Afro Banzai

    Afro Banzai Forerunner

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    Lol alright.

    Check the OP for an updated version. Even since the updated pics Ive placed a couple more barriers to break sight lines. Slowly but surely its coming along. :)
  11. Nexovus

    Nexovus Forerunner

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    Hmmm, not a big fan of the adjustments. You could probably keep the rocket launcher in the middle with the right additions, but placing it on the lower level may work well, hard to tell.

    1) The 4 tunnels connecting the bottom level of the bases to the center square probably wont work to the advantage of whoever is traveling through them, if there are enemies (at the mirrored base) in the tunnel, sniper nest, either side ramps or 3rd level of the base by jumping from the sniper nest. That gives an opportunity to spawn trap/camp to the team that gets the upper hand first, making it harder for the other team to recover.

    Example: 4-4 team slayer, primary DMR
    First 30-45 seconds one team will probably take the lead, leaving them with the opportunity to position themselves at any of the 5 spots opposite of the losing teams base/spawn and knowledge of where their enemies are likely to come from.

    • Watching the tunnel would be a lower priority because any sensible person wouldn't run through a bottle neck toward an enemy team possibly seated at any of the 5 spots.
    • The sniper nest would be of slightly higher priority. It allows someone who just re spawned to run up and crack off a few shots then back away to safety, but there's really no where to go from there, pretty much a dead end.
    • Which leaves the 2 ramps on the sides which are both running in the direction of the opposite team. It is a lot easier to hit a target running straight at you than it is to hit one that is running to your left or right, which puts the re spawning team at even more of a slight disadvantage.
    2) The 2 levels in the middle are still very open, the good thing about that though is that it makes the rocket launcher less effective if default weapon is a DMR. IMO there should be more room/rooms/corridors that you can occupy safely so you don't have to constantly check all 7 (on average) of your angles.

    This was I originally meant by aesthetic FoV obstruction.
    I came up with the rough idea of a pyramid over the middle with the corners connecting to the top level of the square. Doesnt have to be a pyramid, could be anything, this was just a... very rough example :p Then the red things are supposed to be rocks, sorry quick sketch. Could revert to the winding walkways to the bottom level and place pillars or rocks or something between its curves.

    Other than that, I would add a few more platforms and probably more rooms to the 4 bases (like an additional floor at the bottom which levels out with the lower square section. If you did that, you could put a grav lift or something to throw them up to the very top of the base or something.

    Simplicity is good, but too much of a good thing can be bad. (I struggled with this for a very long time) Btw, im sorry, Im not trying to be mean, I just want to help! Please take criticism constructively here! Ok I have to run to work now :p
  12. Afro Banzai

    Afro Banzai Forerunner

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    Thanks for the suggestions! :)

    I'm having hard time breaking the Line of sight and still having it look good. Heres what I came up with.


    I added struts on each side of the bases, put some cover on the right side walkways and put a glass cover on the left walkway.

    What do you think of this?

    Thanks again for all the help!
  13. Nexovus

    Nexovus Forerunner

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    Your modifications are in the right direction. Try experimenting with other possibilities, the glass cover is just kind of... there, hanging over the edge. The cover you added the the higher ramp would help, but not by much.

    Try this. Go to several random spots throughout the map and just look around. If for example you're standing on the higher ramp, try to picture how many possible locations you could be attacked from and how many positions you can attack from that same location. You don't want it to be too open where you constantly have to look every which way, same applies to the opposite. Try googling tutorials for thinks like map layout conceptualizing/planning and flow. Tuts will be able to explain these methods better than I can.
  14. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What if you used FX to help with cover? Let's say you used the Purple filter to make it look like night time, that would make the map darker, and make long distances harder to see across. I'm not sure how much of an impact it would have on your map, but it might help if you coupled it with some extra cover.
  15. Afro Banzai

    Afro Banzai Forerunner

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    Okay I updated the OP with a couple updated screenshots. What do you guys think of it now?

    I added some more cover, changed up the rocket spawn. Made the pyramid where shotguns spawns a little bigger, added glass sails on both sides of each base and added frag spawns.
  16. shidarin

    shidarin Forerunner

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    So, the cover pieces on the ramps are new? Would recommend taking those out- they'll break up the flow of movement wayyyy too much and they don't cut back on line of sight issues.

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