
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Rantick, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Rantick

    Rantick Forerunner

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    First of all, I would like to say this map is completely open for debate. I have tested it and got a few different views. I may decide to make different variants with more/less cover .etc, but right now I think it is okay =) but if you have any critisism, no matter how small, please post it.​

    Anyways, this is my first map which I have posted, but about the seventh which I have planned. Google Sketchup makes me forget that Forge is very different to PC map making games :p I want it to work out well. Surprisingly, I didn't plan this map, I just threw some bits together. All I knew was I wanted good flow. I personaly believe I have achieved this.​

    This is the Red base. It has 4 different entrances/exits. One is on the bottom floor and runs straight to the teleporter, as well as up to the blue base. Two of the ones on top run straight to the "hills". The last one is in between the two hill paths and runs to the tower and to the blue base's bottom floor path. It also contains a Shotgun on the ramp, as well as two more spawns.​

    The Blue Base is a carbon copy of the Red base :p


    This is what I call the tower. In the middle is a grav lift which pushes you through a tunnel, which has a one way shield to push you the rest of the way. I placed two grav lifts on top so you can easily get up to the top, where a rocket launcher lies and, if you jump into the teleporter, you can also reach a Jet Pack. I have made it so that if you know what you are doing, you can easily get to the top in one jump, simply moving through the lifts. I have also placed a soft kill barrier up here so that you cannot camp, as this gives you a huge view of the map. This is based on the whole Risk vs Reward thing.​


    This is one of the two teleporters on my map, which basicaly tie off the loose ends on my map. A sniper spawns next to each, with only 4 shots. The area behind it has a soft kill barrier to stop people being assasinated easily.​

    This is one of my two hills, both containing a needler each with one extra clip.
    sorry, this is actualy an overview of my map. But you can still see the hills, so yeah.​

    Action Shots

    A battle battle in the Red Base between me and Maxdmilleo​


    Maxdmilleo got me while I was trying to snipe MrSaddo​


    MrSaddo sniping Maxdmilleo, and also showing us just how awesome Reach's graphics truly are​


    Dont ask how the hell my body ended up like that. I certainly know I wont. I repressed all memory of it so I dont even


    MrSaddo trying to blow up Maxdmilleo, but instead committing suicide by shooting the wall and falling.​

    Diary of Work

    27/09/2010 - Made the thread today =) Still havn't finished it though >.>
    28/09/2010 - Added Banner, Credits, Action Shot, Thumbnail =D​

    I am using Gametags here. I may change that in the near future, if you really want me to. I may also link to FH profiles if people have them. Again, upon your request :p I would also like to thank everyone in the credits. No matter what you did, you deserve thanks =)​


    MrSaddo - He helped me test FFA and Team Doubles
    Maxdmilleo - He helped me test FFA and Team Doubles
    OldGreece2112 - He helped me test half of a Team Doubles game :p

    Map/Weapon Design

    Stickmanmayhem - He helped me decide where to place weapons. He was also the first to see my completed map =)
    Hpro DB - He noticed some unnecessary forge objects from the original design which I later scrapped. He also came up with the idea to put a soft kill zone over the Rocket/Jet Pack spawn, as I was still stumped as to how I could stop people camping there.
    Maxdmilleo - He helped me place the FFA spawns, and also helped me when the team based spawns strangely became neutral.​

    If you think you deserve credit for something or I have missed you out, I would be glad to add you =)​
    #1 Rantick, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
  2. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maybe some more building like areas, I find that buildings make you feel cozy and people go towards larger things unconsciously... so any less traveled routes could have a building :D
  3. ScO Hi11Bi11y

    ScO Hi11Bi11y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    maybe some more cover? sandbags perhaps?
  4. Rantick

    Rantick Forerunner

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    Added Diary of work and added banner + thumbnail. Will finish after school =)

    also, I am looking to test this map on CTF/one bomb, anyone up for it?

    Added after 8 Hours 5 minutes:

    added Credits, if I missed you out I apologise, and I also added the Action Shots. I will add Weapons Later, got homeworks to do now >.>

    suffocation49@ this map is waaay too small to have buildings other than the bases. I would have to build a whole 'nuther extension, which would completely change the map, probably for the worse.

    ScO Hi11Bi11y@ I am unsure where to put cover. The hills would become to powerful with cover, and anywhere else would be pointless really :surprise:
    #4 Rantick, Sep 28, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010

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