Why do we not get a bigger canvas?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BizBloodshot, Sep 26, 2010.

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  1. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    Benji: I never said forge world wasnt big enough.

    Pyro6666: You are correct but the scenery of Forge World wouldnt be scenery if it was all forgeable. All forge world consists of really is mountain landmasses with 1/5 of those masses being forgeable. Simple way to get more out of the map is to just surround it by water with some kill boundaries and make 5/5 of those masses forgeable.

    N3MESiS: You could make your own grassy terrain/hills by using the "Tin Cup" in creative ways.

    EDIT: The new budget is terrific but i think they need an overall budget for all the objects, not individually. Cmon, who is going to place over 248 respawn points? insted, you could place maybe 15+ spawn points and still be able to place more than 2 lights..
    #21 BizBloodshot, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  2. VergilPrime

    VergilPrime Forerunner

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    in terms of terrain sculpting, I had sort of an idea for that... imagine a large ball, sort of a bubble sheild, that pushes away the ground where it is placed so that you can walk into the resulting hole. H3s software could do it. It would basically be an inside out ball that displays a texture based on what its placed on (ground, metal or water) the only issue would be that you would fall in a hole and die because of the underground insta-kill zone. that could be also sort of circumvented by making an object thats just a giant hill of grass. Set it anywhere on the map and then put the hole on it to create a cave.
  3. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    i quote the bungie forge world vidoc when i said "we have given the community the tools to do what we have been doing all along, making new amazing multiplayer maps"

    ...bungie, where are my tools? where they supposed to get shipped on the disc or...? /sarcasm.
  4. Nexovus

    Nexovus Forerunner

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    Oh I agree completely. The entire upper hill above blood gulch looked very promising the first 5 minutes I got on forge, only to find out that youre now allowed up there! But honestly I would rather see an increase of spending limit and various building blocks, OBJECTS! There are so few cosmetic objects in Forge World which is very sad. ALSO, not having the ability to use ANYTHING from the structure group on any map but forge world... WTF?! Thanks Bungie, I look at a map like Spire and think "OH YOU COULD MAKE AN AWESOME INFECTION MAP ON HERE! Oh wait, no structures group... How am I going to spend ~8k just by placing scenery, a few barriers/teleporters/shield walls. FAIL.
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As much as I'm upset about not being able to forge in the waterfall, it's completely understandable why they've added killbarriers to it.

    It's unprofessional.

    What do I mean by that? Simple, take a wall collesium, place it as close to the barrier as possible at the top. It passes clean through the waterfall and breaks it. Go under the wall, the waterfall is completely unaffected.

    The reason bungie blocked and tried to prevent any items passing through it is simple. It looks crap. It doesn't look professional. It doesnt look like it's natural.
    The waterfall itself looks beautiful until you start messing around with it so it's there as just an aestethic piece. It's there for people to look at and think "this island looks beautiful".

    If bungie were to make the waterfall interactable... Forge world would probably be the side of the island, and the lagoon and that's about it. It takes a helluva lot of resources to render water as individual particles that could bounce off a surface, and could be stopped.

    As much as it would be nice to create our own waterfall maps and manipulate the falling water into shapes we want, it's just not realistic within the games engine.
  6. Nexovus

    Nexovus Forerunner

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    Stevo, yes that makes 100% sense. However, It is nice to have options (even as unreasonable as it may be). People who would come upon the same conclusion that you just did would know better than to have water falling through objects in a map. People who dont think that way would just go about their way wasting time attempting to make maps that other people would play.

    However, there are other possibilites. For example, why not make an enclosed map (with ceilings) along side the cliff wall directly beneath the waterfall. The water would fall through the ceiling and floor, right? Well what if you were to add some objects to the ceiling and/or floor so it seems that the falling water is the result of a man made cosmetic addition to the structure being played in (much like a big fountain or man made waterfall).

    Thats the only issue I have with developers enforcing restrictions like that, it limits the potential of anyone using that system. Personally, I think they should have removed limits like that and just see what people come up with. Sure, there will be some stupid people making ugly maps with water falling through tanks on floating single 4x4 flat blocks. But their lack of design capabilities, creativeness or logical reason allows them to misuse any tool, object, building area, objectives etc. regardless of how well restrictions are used to keep a professional look among all creations used with such program.

    Increasing option availability does 2 things. 1) Increase the potential for mind blowing maps by the right minds. 2) Increase the potential of how horrible a map can turn out. Any way you look at it, horrible maps will be made. Applying restrictions in this case, hinder possible positive outcome more than possible negative outcome.
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Understood Nex, I felt the same way when I first discovered it was pointless them blocking it to keep professionalism up. However, as much variation as you think may come from the water fall, there isn't a lot to create in reality. The only thing i could think of making using the waterfall, was an indoor one that went from the roof, to the floor. Other than that, there's not alternating directional flow so you're entirely restricted from the waterfall not being interactive. Another thing that may have been worthwhile creating was a rock pool at the base of the waterfall and placing a grid beneath the water's surface and making a room behind the waterfall. Other than both those ideas.... what else could someone create?
  8. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    The only things I was unhappy with forgeworld about, were the limits to two lights, the very small selection of items in the scenery category, and individual item limit in general (on my map, I used all the building blocks, and wanted more)

    But seriously no one has gotten to the point of why those other parts of the map are there. They are there to provide the awesome backround scenery that makes forgeworld beautiful. They simply do not have the resolution comparable to the playable parts of forgeworld, because they were only meant to be seen from a distance. You may ask, then why did they need to make them actual area? Well because if they didn't the outside the map scenery would just look horrible, like a crappy flash animation game.
  9. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    Armadillo: You have a point, but if you go outside of the boundaries to the scenery you can see that almost all of the scenery (with the exception of some mountains far in the distance) is solid making for it to be possible to utilize them if there where no boudaries. The halo in the background is just that, a background. Its what bungie does, its what most people do, they have their main background, the skybox, scenery, and the main playable area. why would bungie make the scenery areas solid unless they intended on using them as areas to use? it would waste less space making the "cheap drawn" scenery from a distance insted of taking half your time to make the scenery its own solid objects/textures. not only that, half of their "scenery" isnt visible from the play areas of forge world because of their fog filters or whatever they have making it visually blurry from a distance.
    #29 BizBloodshot, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  10. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    they are undetailed polygons that are being used as scenery and are not very taxing on the engine, they are similar to the sky box.
    Also I am not a ps3 fanboy, I am just saying that the 360 has bad hardware, but in comparison the ps3 has worse.
  11. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    I am glad you were being sarcastic when you were asking for your tools. I would have to laugh at you if you honestly thought Bungie had not given us new tools.

    Rotation snap? Object phasing? Gametype labels? Delete all? Precise coordinate nudging?

    There are your tools.

    We can do almost anything we could on sandbox and we can do it better now. Ascetics are simplified, game options are massive and complex. Seriously. Go make a three tiered game of Invasion right now and tell me you could have done that on Sandbox.

    People just like to complain. Sure, there are some negatives, but overall I'd have to say Forge 2.0 is more than twice as powerful as Forge 1.0, math be damned.

    A huge flat surface could be useful, yes. But then people would complain that the terrain is boring.
  12. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    alienman911: "undetailed polygons"

    go outside of forge world sometime in theatre mode and browse, almost every part of the "scenery" is textured/detailed and most of the objects for the "scenery" is solid. It would take less space, as i stated a post above you, if they where not solid and had little to none texture/detail. Also, why waste space on a solid object out in the distance, past the kill barriers, that arnt even being used as a solid space and are barley visible from the playable areas of forgeworld. It sounds to me like they originally had the intentions of making Forgeworld an actual forgeWORLD its just too bad they restricted us, even in the playable areas of forgeworld. Also, towards the end of the forgeworld vidoc, it shows a spartan standing atop of the mountains, which have kill boundaries, overlooking forgeworld from a distance. I think forgeworld started with the greatest intentions and got stripped and restricted for the final product.

    Ursus: Yes, that was complete sarcasm. In my defence, i love Halo: Reach. Its a great game, i love the gameplay and im pretty impressed with Forge 2.0 but it just dosnt seem like we where given what we where promised... They made forge 2.0 sound so incredibly huge that it would take a helicopter ride just to circle it which is not the case, you can circle the map in monitor mode while sippin on a slushy and by the time your done your 4th sip, your back to the start. (do not test this "slushy travel" it was simply a metaphor and if i see a youtube video of somebody sippin a slushy whilst traveling forge world to prove me wrong, your making yourself look stupid)
    #32 BizBloodshot, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  13. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    You're entitled to feel disappointed. And I'm entitled to disagree. Whenever we are shown something by anyone, it is for the purpose of selling a product. What we saw may have been embellished. Though I would say monitor mode is rather close to a flying vehicle, IMO. I think the key to being happy with what we got is being a skeptic. I took the forge vidoc with a grain of salt (ie, finding about object category limits, less teleporters and movable objects). When I got my hands on Forgeworld, therefore, I was prepared for its faults. Part of this was being prepared for a good amount of it not being actually playable. Thus, having already accepted what one might call 'shortcomings', I could best appreciate what it did right.

    While it would be nice to have all that area to use, I stand by Bungie's reasoning that it was a matter of loading times and system power. Almost the same reason you can't forge Firefight maps.
  14. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    Well, if we really wanted to forge firefight maps, im pretty sure we would have a scarce amount of objects in the categories much like the multiplayer maps in forge at the moment. You are entitled to an opinion and thats the great thing about me, im not going to bash you for it. I can simply agree, or disagree and leave it at that. But my main focus is, why so much land with only so much playable? Sure, it was for selling the product and promoting it and also making it look like +60$ money's worth but honestly some of my favorite maps on Reach are forge-made (example: cage & pinnacle) Another thing that makes me disappointed is the limited aethstetics we have in forgeworld. Everything looks pretty much the same with the exception of the creativity "advanced" forgers possess. We need an extended category for either the other multiplayer maps or we need more DLC objects for the categories.
  15. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    i'm pretty happy with what we got, i only wish there was a heavily forested area to forge in. There's never been a map with that kind of setting in halo (that i know of)

    also, the fact that we can only place two lights sucks. i'm making a multi team grifball game, i wanted to have a blue, red, orange and green light at once.... not possible.
    #35 IH8YourGamerTag, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  16. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    Yea, the whole only being able to place 2 lights is a bummer. Sure, they give us more light options and ruin it by maxing it at 2.
  17. Blaz0

    Blaz0 Forerunner

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    I would like to see more maps with full tag lists. We can really only create a map in forge world. There are so many other possibilities on the other maps. It sucks that Bungie gives us a taste of cool things, but not the whole cake.
  18. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    This thread makes me sick.
  19. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    What makes me sick is not this thread, its the fact that bungie has a great game in Reach and they didnt give us their all. Sure, they gave us maybe 65% of badass-ness but bungie is completely able to take it to 100% and with the last halo game, they lost their chance...
  20. SUMproductions

    SUMproductions Forerunner

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    One solution to solve all problems. If Bungie makes it possible to change textures on the atmosphere or vista and the ground, as well as modify terrain, there would be no need for to expand space
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