Chilled Storage By : Whoopage A remake of Cold Storage (and of course reminiscent of Chill Out). I believe all the weapon placements are in the correct areas. As are the power-ups. I tried to make it as accurate as possible. UPDATED: I had forgotten to set the respawn times of the powerups to the correct length. This has been corrected - either download below or Title Download link is update as well. Download HERE Please critique and let me know what you all think!
Nice remake, looks great ascetically, but is that main jump easy/possible to make from both sides? It almost looks like a one-way jump here. Was that intentional? Edit: Also, what game types is it set up for?
Easily make-able both ways. Added after 2 Days 23 Hours: The gametypes are listed in the original post:
I was going to give a remake of cold storage a go but decided not to. This map looks pretty good. Looks quite accurate, however, aesthetically its not very pleasing. What I think you should do is go back and now aesthetic it all up. You've got the basic layout which looks great so now you just need to add on/change objects around to make it look better.
Thanks for the input, I'll see what I can do. Do you have any specifics about the map that bother you, 'aesthetic-wise?' What do you find least appealing about it? Thanks again, hope everyone is enjoying the remake!
For some reason those crates in that tele room bother the hell out of me. They just feel out of place. Also, try spicing it up a bit, perhaps put some designs into the walls. The lighting looks great, but everything else just seems so plain
Not sure which room you mean by 'tele room.' I'm assuming the room with the teleporter to the high ramp? I put the crate in there to assist with the jump onto the ramp (like you were able to do in H3 - in fact, that is what all the crates in all the rooms are for), otherwise it would not be possible with regular Reach physics. I'll see what I can do to spice things up.