This map is a remake of Canals from Gears of War. I've attempted to create a map that closely resembles the original found in Gears down to the layout, cover, and even weapon spawns. Here's the screen you'll see when the game starts, similar to what you'll see when you start a game in Gears. The map was made over the ocean in forgeworld with the Next gen filter being used. Here's an upper view coming out of one spawn. The three bridges are visible from this view along with the various peices of cover scattered throughout the map. The two bridges that are nearest to the spawns hold a sniper rifle with 2 clips for each team. A view further up, near the middle bridge. 2 plasmas grenades are visible in the middle of the bridge and a pistol is located directly under this viewpoint. Underneath this middle bridge has a plasma grenade launcher to resemble the torque bow. The map took me around a day and a half to complete and has gone through two main changes, one dealing with aesthetics and the other with weapon spawns. The map is best played with the gametype provided above because it's able to bring some aspects of Gears into Halo. Shogun Pain did an excellent job creating this gametype. There are five rounds and everyone only has one life per round. Players are not allowed to jump, are given AR/Shotgun starts, and everyone has the evade armor ability. The map does support team slayer up to 8v8 but is best played around 4v4 in either gametype. If you've ever played Gears of War or are looking to switch up Reach's gameplay every once and a while I recommend you check this out. I'd appreciate and comments/opinions on the map and open to any changes you guys come up with. Thanks in advance for checking it out and hope you enjoy it.
Hey I love Gears and as soon as i heard about the evade ability I started planning out remakes and gametypes. Unfortunately I dont have the time to make full maps myself so I took a look at your map and I liked it alot. There were some issues that caught my eye so I went in and tweaked some aesthetics, put in some missing features, and fixed some of the cover to make it useful in Reach. (Main problem with every GoW map i DL, people just make the cover exactly proportional to Gears which is annoying because yes a 2 foot wall offers cover in Gears but in Halo you have to crouch and that wall will not protect your entire torso/head.) Anyway if you want here's the link to my tweaked version - : Halo Reach : File Details
Your map was the best Canals remake that I have seen so far, But it was lacking good playability. So I took the liberty of fixing it up so that it would be playable with Annex and Execution. There were a couple of problems which kept it from properly being played. Take a look. : Halo Reach : File Details
I appreciate you guys taking the initiative to make changes to my map but would much prefer more details on what I could change. I have no problem with people altering my map but without any detailed information and what you guys changed it doesn't help me when I make another map in the future. I'll be sure to check out both maps later today. Richard Nixon, could you list some of the missing features? Are you talking about supported gametypes? I can see your point on cover but when I was making the map I was unsure on how the gametype would play. I focused on making the map close to the original and the cover was there for aesthetic and during my time with the map it worked like quasi-cover. Commando, by good playability are you referring to the lack of gametypes? I didn't mention it in the OP but my intention was to eventually add various gametype support after the map/weapon spawns felt like they worked. Like I said earlier, I appreciate you guys making changes but would prefer information so I know what to do on other maps.