Hey all. I'm having some problems with teleporters. I was wondering if there is a way I can set the 2 way teleporters so when I go through one I come out another and vice versa, rahter than being randomly teleported to another teleporter. I beleive there are 8 teleporters on the map I'm working on. It would just be nice if the teleporters could be connected to each other somehow so you aren't randomly teleported to a different teleporter. I hope you understand what I'm talking about.heh I might not be explaining it all that well. Anyway any help on this issue would be most appreciated. Thanks.
in the object options, you can set the teleporter channel. all teleporters on a given channel are linked together. if you change 2 teleporters out of 8 to channel BETA, then those two are linked, and seperate from the others. also, welcome to the forums.
I'm not sure where that option is, but I will hop into Forge and see if I can find it. Thanks a lot for the info. btw. I really appreciate the help.