UNSC Training Facility - Join Today!

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Zenin, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. Zenin

    Zenin Forerunner

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    Hell jump into a top UNSC training facility and go through 4 exciting levels.
    This Training facility includes 3 gun ranges for Magnum, DMR and the Sniper Rifle. Along with a mongoose race track and soccer/football pitch this training facility is home to some of the best spartans on reach.

    Your captain wanted you to be the very best in Spartan, the order came down to join the UNSC Training facility and so you took a leap of faith and hell-jumped, crash landing and gathering your equipment you head to the landing platform to jet pack your way down to the entrance.

    This is it.. the Facility, above the UNSC sign invites you into the building.

    The Classroom, listen to the officer in charge, and take part in levels 1-4 which are clearly labelled. Return to this room via the designated teleport device to retry levels, in the event of accidental death the Facility will respawn you back to your desk.

    The sniper Range, other wise known as level 3, stationary targets aswell as moving targets lie on the beach as you attempt to shoot them down a mile away.

    The DMR gun range, multiple moving targets get thrown through the air, many stationary targets prove challenging too, targets re-appear every 5 seconds.

    The mongoose track, a true test of your driving ability awaits with jumps, tight corners and a fun finish.

    Join Today!
    #1 Zenin, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Could we see more pictures of the different targets/more of the racetrack? I think people will want to get a better feel for the map before wanting to download.

    Maybe add more of a description as well? Like how often to the fusion coils respawn, how long is the racetrack, etc..
  3. Zenin

    Zenin Forerunner

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    fusion coils respawns every 5 seconds, and the mongoose track is right the way around the paradiso island circling it twice for 1 lap.

    i will post a youtube video soon.
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, I love that drop pod, and the UNSC sign looks amazing. What did you make it out of? If you have any budget left, try making a vehicle target course.
  5. Zenin

    Zenin Forerunner

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    haha i had no budget left only about 100 leftover.

    i used a 2 way blue shield - and then placed railings so that they were just touching the shield - this creates a neon effect for letters.
  6. STIX1381

    STIX1381 Forerunner

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    The map looks like a pretty cool map to mess around on, but this should be classified as aesthetic rather than Mini Game.
  7. Zenin

    Zenin Forerunner

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    I think its more functional than that, taken seriously I think it will REALLY give you training, as its quite hard to hit the moving targets.
    you could even take the sniper from level 3 and go to level 1 and practice no scoping.
  8. BMW350

    BMW350 Forerunner

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    nice man I like how you put shooting spot and the way the sign saying unsc on it good idea

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