Ninja attack

Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by Zow Jr, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Watch this first!

    As reported by Colonel Holland
    The Covenant have found Reach, and these bastards don't give up. They have already captured our most valuable areas and we can't do anything to stop it. Our closest spartans were too few in number. But that problem soon became naught as one of our own spartans became somewhat of an Odysseus in his pure tact. He came up with a brilliant strategy to win back what's ours. The Spartan, A-804, devised an armor modified for spartans that was more camouflaged and built for stealth. He devised several drop in locations for the spartans to move in quickly and quietly. The weapons included a silenced magnum fitted with more old age tech bullets which were surprisingly effective on enemy armor. He had our scientists reverse-engineer one of the Covenant's main melee weapons to use as an assassination tool. He has sent them on their missions, going himself to increase the odds of winning. When I asked why he didn't coordinate the effort from orbit, he stated calmly that, "A commander is no good if he hasn't the courage to fight alongside his own team."

    Ninja Attack is a new firefight game where I pit the specialized Spartans called "Ninjas" against increasingly difficult waves of Covenant troopers.

    A-804(Creator of the Ninjas): Your main weapon is stealth and to help you, I have had you equipped you with several tools that were built especially for this mission.


    This is a specialized energy dagger I have had scientists reverse engineer from the covenant sword of the same type. It is effective for higher ranked enemies and assassinations alike, but for groups of unshielded Covies and more longer range encounters I recommend this instead.


    The silenced magnum is your most important ranged tool and is most potently effective on enemies without shields or light sniping. When shielded foes lose their protection, pop a cap in their cap.

    These are the only weapons you will be using. do not pick up any other weapons as there is a great risk of our cover being blown with too much noise. Get in. Kill. Get out. Fast.

    Here are the armor abilities you are given the choice of. Each has a unique combat style and use.



    Probably my most favorite. Normally used by elites I have outfitted it for your armor to be used in combat. Use it to avoid shots and the occasional grenade or to traverse the area in ways impossible for a normal spartan.



    The most basic. Use it to get out of sticky situations and for quick travel. Can be tiring but it Beats a mongoose any day.



    Use it for distraction or a temporary meat shield, or just confuse and bewilder enemies with your movement. Also looks pretty damn cool if you run with it too.

    The armor you have is designed to allow you unlimited uses of these abilities but do not overuse them. Trust me. Bad things happen to good people.

    This is what you will look like only to the most well trained eye or if you get reckless.


    Our camouflage system has a few kinks to work out. Use top discipline whenever taking on foes.

    Your armors advanced stealth capabilities rather... limit the damage you can take. My calculations suggest you can only take at least ninety percent of your normal armor resistance and our infinite camo system deprives you of your precious shielding you normal spartans usually enjoy the luxury of. Be careful not to blow your cover or risk getting killed by even the most lowly of covenant troopers.

    This is how one of my last campaigns went.

    Part 1: The Covies slightly detected my presence and thought I was a mere squadron sent to try to take back this asset so they sent some lowly grunt and jackal troopers to the area. I took them out quickly and quietly. They got a little suspicious so they sent some Elite and brute troopers after me, who suffered the same fate. They got frustrated and Generals and Hunters were sent to eliminate me on the spot.

    Part 2: Rather tired of having to deal with me but not willing to waste more elite troops on me, they sent in more brute patrols to scout me out and kill me. The chieftains at the end were the worst. Only reason why Elites were there was because the covies spotted a possible heretic presence in my location

    Part 3: What started as a normal take-back mission turned into a bloody war between the Heretics and the covenant. The Covenant unfortunately, thanks to me were far fewer in number and soon lost to the Heresy uprising. THey focused their attention, and guns, on me. I shouldn't be alive.

    This will usually be how it goes for you ninjas although it can vary.

    If you didn't get this by my typed explanation, here is a video where I give it to you vocally. (I had to make this at 10 at night. mind my tired tone of voice.)

    Watch this for vocal and video instructions.

    I hope you liked this post and I sure hope all of you have fun with this gametype. Leave constructive criticism below.

    #1 Zow Jr, Sep 22, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  2. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    isnt this more of a reach gametypes subforum? for like, gametypes?

    this actually seems really fun. im in the testing phase of my firefight gametype as we speak. ill make sure to dl this. how hard is it on like legendary? or is it a normal difficulty type gametype? i had the same idea, i had no idea it would actually work out though.
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Oh you could play it on legendary alright..... but normal or heroic is best fit to make it feel more stealthy. Also (as stated in the video) Play this with at least 2 people because a problemo I had with solo was people spawning and already on the hunt rather than having them spot you first. Plus ninjas never should work alone.
  4. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    can't say i'm really into firefight, but i have to compliment you on a seriously nicely presented thread. Cool how you also have a video with a voiceover.
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    That was something I thought about a lot. I finally went for it because sometimes it's easier to hear directions than to read a lengthy post. Hope it helped!
  6. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your link to the download is broken can you please fix it.
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Fixed. Sorry but it s an updated version. also fixed the one on Xforgery.
  8. Dabobyjoeson

    Dabobyjoeson Forerunner

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    I gotta say, ive seen tons of stealth firefights on the forum
    this is definitely the best
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Thank you. Unfortunately there is a problem. I think the DL link is broken and my disc got damaged so I cannot play campaign or firefight anymore. This gametype nor any others can be altered, though I can still get the DL link
  10. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow. That's really awesome. But isn't the Magnum a bit overpowered?
  11. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Ninja beats Ghost, Ninja beats hunter, Ninja beats everything. :D
  12. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Ninja can also hold his own against an entire two sets of covenant

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