
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by BadCompany Brik, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. BadCompany Brik

    BadCompany Brik Forerunner

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    This is a map designed, crafted, and now posted by me, BadCompany Brik.

    Alright, overview. Here you go:
    Fairly basic map. Mostly because the entire playspace had to be crafted out of 1-way shield doors. You see, on Reverb, you stick to the ceiling.
    Obviously, I can't really capture that effect without motion, but you'll have to take my word on this one. Don't do what those guys are doing though, everyone has concussion rifles so clustering is definitely a bad idea.

    The two ways of killing people are either by launching fools off the edge with your concussion rifle:
    Or taking 'em out from behind:
    Why would I include assassinations? Wouldn't that just cause people to spend all game running in circles trying to get behind someone? Well, it adds a risk to the commonly used strategy of turning around and boosting yourself with your own concussion rifle. And looking really awesome too.
    The spawn is just a simple little area with grav lifts to get you into the action.
    These fellas are going to be there awhile,

    • 2000% damage resistance, 25% damage, so you deal so little damage that you couldn't conceivably kill someone by conventional methods (barring assassinations), but you still do a tiny amount of damage, so you get credit for kills when people fall to their deaths.
    • There is a shield door between the ceiling and the spawns. Stop trying to spawn kill.
    • Try not to go up lifts right after your friends, feet do occupy space, and in this case, the space that you should be passing through in order to stick to the ceiling.
    • Look up before you go up the grav lifts, you may want to figure out where your enemy is before he knocks you off the edge with his Concussion Rifle.
    • Coordinate strikes with your teammates. If you find you keep getting teamed up on, then tell everyone on your team to stop, choose a lift, and then go up at the same time to even the odds.
    • It's possible to play this with any amount of people. It just turns into an enormous mess with more than ten. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
    • If you try to join Gold Team, as amazing as it is, don't say I didn't warn you when you spawn alone in the Coliseum. Red vs Blue only.
    There's more than one supported gametype. I went ahead and set it up for 3-Plot, Crazy King, and (of course), Grifball! Just disable AAs from your local Grifball variant and have a blast.

    The link to Team Slayer should be at the top along with the map link.

    Also, if you liked this you may want to check out Frito Bandito 7's Phlow. It's another nice take on ceiling combat.

    Share, and enjoy.
    #1 BadCompany Brik, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  2. Dr Bowe Nur

    Dr Bowe Nur Forerunner

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    A very creative concept, I must say. I'll give it a download and try it out with friends tommorow. It seems in the end, the win would only go to those who have more numbers with them at the time? (ex, two people against one will alway push 1 off first...most of the time?)
  3. BadCompany Brik

    BadCompany Brik Forerunner

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    Teamwork is essential, yes.
  4. turtlebutt

    turtlebutt Forerunner
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    How do people stick to the ceiling. I don't know that was possible
  5. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    DAMNIT! FACKER STOLE MY IDEA! well im glad someone thought like minded. this was the firstthing i did in forge

    mines quite a different gamestyle so ima post it anyways
  6. BadCompany Brik

    BadCompany Brik Forerunner

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    I was having trouble making anything other than a square with the object limit, so I'll be interested to see what you come up with. We could make a map pack of ceiling maps :)

    And turtlebutt, if you took the time to DL the map it would be fairly obvious how I did this. You can actually see the mechanism during gameplay, but they look cool as a big square so I decided not to cover them up.
  7. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    haha yeah well i just posted my map Phlow! Its a pretty different use of this concept but yes! i would love to collaborate on a map pack and further elaborate on the use of this mechanism!
  8. BadCompany Brik

    BadCompany Brik Forerunner

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    It looks great, I added a link at the end of the post.
  9. Fuzzy Melon

    Fuzzy Melon Forerunner

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    Diggin the map man, it's a great idea and I've always loved originality in forge
  10. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    can you move by yourself around the map? or are you stuck in one spot?
  11. Fuzzy Melon

    Fuzzy Melon Forerunner

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    The platform is the area you have to stay in. Give the map a look and you'll see how he did it. Pretty sweet.
    #11 Fuzzy Melon, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
  12. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    to answer xWooden Leafx. yes. as long as move your thumbstick around you can move freely around. its like ice. if you go fast enough in one direction you will float a little while and then come to a stop :D
  13. BadCompany Brik

    BadCompany Brik Forerunner

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    Basically that, you slide around and retain some momentum when you stop. This makes it a bit easier to knock people off the edge, but it's not like you have to relearn your controls. Forward goes forward, backward goes back, left goes left, and right goes diagonally between forward and left, it's as simple as that.
  14. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    This map is extremely campable. As soon as a player comes up, somebody camping in the middle can knock them off almost immediately.
  15. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Pretty fun game, played it earlier today 3v3, although it is breakable, I saw one guy combo jump up to the top
  16. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Hey, cool map bro.

    However, it is possible for players to jump down into the opposing teams spawn. Might want to look into that.
  17. xthorgoldx

    xthorgoldx Forerunner

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    Fun to play map that has nice emphasis on teamwork in general. The nature of the battle leads always to "OH, SHOOT!" moments when you realize that you're going over the edge.
  18. BadCompany Brik

    BadCompany Brik Forerunner

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    Try playing this with 4v4, a team camping the middle will be very unsuccessful when an enemy pops up on both sides and in front of them.

    Map updated to make ceiling combat look good, and fix glitches involving getting into spawns and getting onto the ceiling. Any questions?
  19. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    I played a 4v4 and my experience was of camping players. It was hectic fun aside from that, but it is a little too easy to hit a player who comes up as you can see them spawn. I take back the comment of "extremely" after a second playthrough, and I relegate it to the status of a niggling issue.

    Oh, and why don't you add some loops in ;P
  20. BadCompany Brik

    BadCompany Brik Forerunner

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    Never had problems with camping when playing with players that have mics and don't feel the need to be a hero. And you can look up as well. You know exactly where they are.
    Loops? I see no room for any kind of loop anywhere on the map... what do you mean by loop?

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