Hey The other day while I was wandering around forge world thinking up ideas for an original, but simple, infection map and I was wandering around the little island oposite hangar I had an idea I know it seems alot like the original space but ive made alot of changes to it using rocks, download it to find out Ive posted this up on the Bungie forums and its been fairly popular there,around 170 downloads in the last few days, and Im posting it here for you to enjoy Im not claiming its some genius forge idea that took 12 hours to do, it only took about 2 hours to tweak everything but Its fun and me and my freinds are constantly playing on it Heres some shots of the intererior Enjoy!, Paddy
Sure ill stick some up now. Added after 2 Hours 33 minutes: Got some feedback and ive updated the spawns a bit By the way the above pictures are only a tiny portion of the map just so ya know