Crashed and Scattered. Survive and Prevail. Gamma Team. Goddamit, links are broken. How do I fix? Download the file set here: This is my first map posted on ForgeHub, so if I do anything wrong please don't rage at me too much. Anyway, this is my first Invasion map: Deeper Valley. The thumbnail may make the map seem a little simple aesthetically, but there is a lot more to the map than meets the eye at first glance. BACKSTORY A Spartan strike force, Gamma Team, is en route to a remote Elite firebase located in an enclosed canyon with the objective of destroying it. The battle group is to be inserted via Falcons from the shoreline. However, they encounter a hostile Anti-Air outpost. The Falcons are shot down and scattered all over the coastline. One Falcon crashes into the cliff face that the Outpost is located on and its entire crew is killed. Another Falcon lands on a mountainside overlooking the bay, but the crew survives. Two more Falcons are scattered on the island just off the mainland. The last Falcon plummets into the sea, drowning its crew members. Furthermore, survivors of the crashes are cut off from their Command, as the Anti-Air Outpost also contains two Long-Range Communication Disruptor Towers, scrambling the Spartans’ connection with anyone not within fifty miles of their position. PHASE ONE This Phase is possibly the hardest for the Spartans. They must rally their scattered forces and mount an attack on the AA Outpost in order to receive reinforcements and additional supplies. Only three Falcon crews survive, and even then some Spartans are unconscious, and are only revived later (when you respawn). Spartans have limited weapons, only the ones that are still intact after their crash. They must use these weapons effectively if they are to survive. The Spartans have barely any time to scavenge equipment before Elite scouts arrive, so they should hurry. Elites have two Banshees to scout out the area and take out any stragglers. However, if these Banshees are shot down, they won't come back. The survivors on the mountainside crash site must work their way along the cliff side. There are multiple paths to take to get to the AA Outpost, but one requires a Jet Pack and some careful footing and another (pictured above) requires...even more careful footing. However, if either of these pathways taken is successful, the Spartans can gain an advantage over the Elites. Survivors on the island can opt to link up and may choose to investigate an abandoned watch tower for additional supplies and transport. The Elites rule the coastline. There are two Shade turrets and plenty of additional ordnance to take down any aerial assault. Elite guards also have the option to patrol the Outpost, in case any stealthy attackers are present. The Elites must protect two Long-Range Communication Disruptor towers. If the Spartans can disable at least one of these, they can call for reinforcements. Meanwhile, Spartans must cross the spit between the island and the mainland, by stealth or speed. They may come across another crash site, and can utilise some of the wreckage to their advantage, if the Elites haven't retrieved it already. Some of the equipment may also provide an additional route up into the AA Outpost. There are different entrances to the Outpost and Elites should cover all angles accordingly. Otherwise, the previously scattered Spartan strike force can become a formidable unit once again. PHASE TWO Once the Towers are disabled, Spartans can call in for reinforcements. However, if they want some heavy firepower, they must clear an LZ at the near end of the valley. PHASE THREE [/link] If the Spartans can clear this LZ, they will be able to recommence their assault on the Elite firebase, and it may soon become the Elites' turn to fight for their survival. [link=] However, the Elites still have a few tricks up their sleeves. That is, if Elites have sleeves. NOTES -I put more detail into Phase One's explanation because it's typically the one that confuses most players. Phases Two and Three are fairly self explanatory. -Falcons do not answer all problems. Sometimes it is best to leave them were they are. -Please try to at least brief your party members if you are going to start up a game of Deeper Valley. It only takes a couple of seconds to explain why their Falcon is upside down and falling off the cliff, or why they have no weapons and that their supplies are lying just a couple of feet away from them. -I am constantly tweaking this game type to make it the best it can possibly be. Please give me your feedback via either Xbox Live (gamertag is DeeJayDomos) or Rooster Teeth (username is Domos). -Theme Song: The Menagerie, Halo 3: ODST Soundtrack, by Martin O’Donnell. Play this while on Phase 3
I LOVE the backstory.very creative and thought out.fits in well with the map. Onto the map,the strategic side to the map is great,like climbing the mountainside and destroying the banshees buti dislike how you've used a simple building as a relay should try to expand it by building your own custom structures and incorporate pre-made structures swell.overall it seems like a pretty good map but a little building won't hurt.
Thanks for the input. As for the buildings, the most detailed one I did was at the last phase, basically a round bunker and a large tower connected by bits and pieces. I couldn't build too many elaborate buildings simply because the budget wouldn't allow it. But thanks for the comment!
Wow. This map reminds me a lot of the upcoming Trenchwars 2. Love it, but the download link is broken!!! :O
I think I must have put an extra character or something at the end of the download links. But now I don't know how to fix it. Anyway, the Fileset link is at the top of the page, so use that to download if you want to.