Deliver Hate

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by rentadog, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. rentadog

    rentadog Forerunner

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    This map is great for small slayer & CTF games. Im gonna make the UNSC ship the final objective for an invasion game for the elites to blant a bomb on it like the spartans do on the "deliver hope" trailer.





  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That, is a very, VERY nice looking UNSC frigate.

    Personally, i'd keep this map as an Aestethic map. Try not to implement gameplay to a map that looks beutiful externally as well as internally. No one would really see it from the outside in the positions you've covered. If your budget permitts it, you should create another large frigate higher up (so it wouldnt technically need to be much bigger) so you have a miniture fleet.

    I'll be looking forward to see this in it's final phase. Good job (Y)
  3. rentadog

    rentadog Forerunner

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    praise from a fellow yorkshireman :) where abouts in yorkshire you from?

    Yeah it's a shame that during most of the games you can't really see it. im not really into the idea of Aestethic maps though, it's a bit like leaving toys in their boxes! plus, from the little amount of gameplay so far its actually playing pretty well as a slayer map.

    budget for a second ship could be an issue, so far i have spent around $7000 on that one. how about a small refueling vessel attached to the side?
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    well, i don't really do aesthetic maps, mainly because i suck at making things look good lol. So, whatever works best, and I guess gameplay would work well with it but yeah, it's just limited to inside rather than outside.

    I'm originally from Selby, currently living in Peterlee up near Sunderland though. It sucks to be out of Yorkshire :(
  5. rentadog

    rentadog Forerunner

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    Gameplay is not restricted to inside, you can get out onto the roof of the ship, plus the grav lift down on the beach is made of a clump of 4 mancannons angled upwards that can shoot you up through the lower loading bay, then the one way shield sucks you into the hold. you can also use a jetpack (with aid of the mancannons) to blast straight up past the ship and land on the top (be carefull not to hit the ship though as you die on impact, double heavy mancannon + jetpack is SILLY FAST).

    The most recent version of the map has landing gear you can jetpack onto plus a banshee on the ground, and one on top of the ship to get some real "4 tier" combat going.

    At least you're still up north :)

    Added after 1:

    im having some issues with spawning on this map.

    I played a couple of every man for themselves slayer games on here yesterday & everyone was spawning on the beach. I set up initial neutral spawn points then made a respawn zone the size of the whole map (i thought this would then include all the spawns? anyone know what im doing wrong? what spawn sequence / object do i ned to use for a regular slayer game?
    #5 rentadog, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2010

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