Hi, I'm trying to get the safe havens on my map to spawn in sequence but they always spawn randomly. I have set each haven correctly (1,2,3,4) and I have labelled them all correctly (INF_HAVEN) yet they still spawn in the wrong order which is detrimental to my map/gametype. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Welcome iwannaeatchips! Unfortunately I don't know how to resolve your problem but I have a question for you. I know its an infection game-type, but what exactly is "Safe Havens"? Ive seen it on the play-list before but never heard of it.
Safe havens is a varient of infection where the survivors have to get to a hill. While inside the hill they are invulnerable. The hill moves every 15 seconds and when every player is infected the game ends.
Ooooh Its like Zombie King of the Hill lol, interesting. TY! I hope someone is able to help you out soon.