You will not believe me but I'm making a race map that has a starting ramp exactly the same as that one. Just without the rails. I will post it in a few months when my parents decide to let me get the game, but man, is this a huge coincidence!!
Good start but you should add more detatils to the ramp and something afterwards that might zoom you up or something. Good start though. 7/10
Not that these aren't fun, but back in halo 3 they were a lot harder to make than they are in reach. Maybe add more details such as another opposite ramp to land on or a loop-the-loop or something? Im sure you have a lot of leftover budget for it
No, not a huge coincidence. Anyone would have thought of that the moment they think about a mega ramp. But back to topic, the map is god, but it feels like it's missing something. Try to add more decorations and curve the end of the ramp up more.