I know you can get the base chest for Jorge, but doesn't he have extra parts on that bulk it up? Ones that we can't get? And his color's can't be recreated due to there being like 4 different ones.
OK for the guys who are planning this: The only thing you might have a problem is would be Jorge's visor, it's not default and no, it's not gold, it's ORANGE! so other than that you can get EVERYTHING YOU NEED. One more thing, if you wanna complete Jorge, your rank must be at least field marshal or higher, that or general or higher. whichever works best. To everyone: YOU CAN GET ALL YOU NEED EXCEPT JORGE'S VISOR!!!
i could be carter right now. or kat. or jorge.... or jun. jorges visor is a different color, and his color scheme is also impossible to do with primary/secondary colors. he has 3 colors, i think also his lower legs look bulkier than anything we have access too, and he has that pack on his back all the time. that might be difficult.
Yeah, as a SPARTAN II Jorge is much bigger than anything we could recreate in our SPARTAN III character models. I had an idea similar to this, except I'm planning on doing a firefight game with all my friends (giving us each the voices and appropriate armor). It'll be awesome. Granted, there'll only be 4, but oh well.
Hat, when I first saw the thread name, I completely got the wrong impression. That's a 100+ forge hours project and I thought you would be crazy to start it all over. Then I actually took a look and thread and saw that it was screenshot. Interesting fact, I did now know that the female sapper chest piece lacks the ammo belt. I have about 1.1 mil right now, can't make any promises, but I'll take a look.
true you can only get Jorge's arm piece on one arm. I personally think it would have been cool to be able to choose what attachment went to what wrist but you can change once its on the shelf.