Space Station

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by TheClubhouse, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Better Version At This Link:

    Space Station is very asymetrical map designed for one-flag or slayer. The map plays best with 3v3 or 4v4 team games and 6-8 player ffa. This map is set-up for Slayer, Team slayer, Headhunter, Koth and One-flag. Note worthy weapons on the map include the sword on floor 1, rocket on floor 2 and sniper on floor 3.

    Play the map with loadouts, the jetpack is usefull to cut some corners.

    I originally wanted to make the DeathStar from Starwars, but I ran out of perfect 5x5 pieces and wanted to build an interior this time. (My Sandbox Deathstar had little interior due to budget). You'll still find MANY references to the beloved Deathstar inside this map!

    The map might seem confusing at first, so try playing a little slayer game before trying the one-flag. It really isn't complicated, as there is only two real paths to each base. The station is 4 levels (5 if you count the room above the defensive base), and each floor is colour co-ordinated to help you find your way around. The centre pit has a Death barrier at the very bottom of it, so don't think about landing or jumping there. Enjoy, and give it a try. Recommend it if you like it!

    Here's some pics:
    Loading Bay

    Another angle of the Loading Bay through the centre window

    Top Bridge (pink) floor 4

    Hallway towards the back end of the Detention Level

    Really bad pic, but shows the "drop" enterance into the garbage room

    Garbage room

    Room where rocket spawns

    Glass pathway displaying the space station "still under construction"

    Sniper spawn room

    Top room (all that's on floor 5)

    Outside back-end

    Outside front "under-construction".

    Lift from floor 2 to floor 3

    Fight on the bottom floor. With view of the under-contruction space station.
    #1 TheClubhouse, Sep 20, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  2. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    Map design is brilliant, garbage room is brilliant. :D Can't wait to try it out.
  3. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Looks really great, especially the outside aesthetics. Awesome garbage room, and i like the glass hallway. It would be cool to see more images of the outside, just because it looks awesome.
  4. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Wow these aesthetics are outstanding, it really does look like the death star, and all the pieces remind me of it. I was just thinking the other day that it would be badass to have a death star map, and you made one very well. I'm gonna download this and check out the game play. Props on the detail.
  5. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Very nice.
    I like how nice it is on the outside on how it accually is pretty rounded and does seem like the deathstar.
    And Also inside the beautiful deathstar you made a competitive map. Nice aesthetics on the inside also with the nice and small detail
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    I didn't read the top part and started looking at the pictures and was like "NO f-ing way this is star wars!". Haha. I love this dude. Well done.
  7. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    This map looks great! It will be the 1st halo reach map I will download. Why didn't you just call it the death star though?
  8. a furry unicorn

    a furry unicorn Forerunner

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    i love this map, i just played it with my friend, i love how its so ascethtic but its completly playable.
  9. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Because I never had enough building blocks to make the exterior exactly like the deathstar.... Sure it resembles it, but not enough in my mind. Glad you guys like the map so far.

    MR SCHULTZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks awesome, can't wait to check it out.
    Would be cool to have the 'Rebels' strike from the interior cliff base with Falcons, in some type of Invasion setup. (Lower the tractor beam, plant the bomb to destroy it, etc)
    The Space Station would need Banshee launch bays, and those Covey mounted turret things for defense.

    Thanks for the map!
    #10 MR SCHULTZ, Sep 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  11. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    This is no moon. You have beaten me to it and made it beyond the pale. I salute you! Mind if I take this, add a little sheild base and make an invasion type for this? I'll toss it back to you then of course.
  12. AriiMoose

    AriiMoose Forerunner

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    Damn! Someone beat me to the idea. I was planning on making my own Deathstar map for invasion. Looks extremely well done. I'll download it right away!
  13. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Seriously, OP, you should do this. The map looks rad and I can't wait to download and play this :D
  14. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    lol, do it! Seriously, I don't care what people do with the maps I make. If you want, erase the interior and make your own, maybe less detailed so you'll have budget and objects to make a different theme. I VERY originally made this so people can "re-enact" the original Starwars (Yes, this Deathstar was also completely round at one point). I was going to have my invasion gametype playout where the first mission was to rescue the princess, then make your way to the "tractor-beam" bridge, then to the "Millenium Falcon". But even though Forgeworld was VERY generous with the budget and object selection, the basic building blocks to make the perfect sphere ran out before the sphere was done, then I ended up eating up ALOT of the budget and other object limits by the time the sphere was done. Then I had too little budget to make any kind of interior (gameplay), and I've already done that with my Sandbox Deathstar...... so not again. Anyways, I'm still happy you guys enjoy it, thanks for the feed-back!
  15. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    almost a little too much like starwars and battlefront maps but very smart

  16. Shemhamforash

    Shemhamforash Forerunner

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    This is the type pf map you show your friends, tell them you made it. And they think you're lying.
    Perfect map, man.
  17. x black kn1ght

    x black kn1ght Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the
    of this map.
    Download for me.

    Great work!
  18. Riot Pig

    Riot Pig Forerunner

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    Had a go at this map last night with some friends, and had a blast! But for some reason, the teleporter in the trash compacter area (and the one down the corridor) wouldn't allow Elites to pass through.

    Anyway - using the "tin cup" piece to create a laser fence is an awesome idea! My only suggestion would be to place a Loadout Camera on the outside of the map so that people can see just how much work you've put into the exterior as well.
  19. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
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    "That's no moon...."
    Sorry, had to say it. That might make a good map description, though.

    This map is sheer brilliance. I can't wait to play on it and see how it feels, but just the look of it is incredible. I don't know what sort of budget you've got left over (if any), but you might consider adding some more detailing to the "under construction" section. Sorta like this:
    Great idea, great map! :D

    YES. Do it.
    #19 o LiGHTNiNG o, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  20. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    sorry, but I originally had plenty of pieces that made it look more like a Death Star under-construction, but the budget kicked my ass. There was much more panelling, many rails and other asthetics, the garbage room had at least twice as much stuff in it, ect, ect, ect.... But I BARELY managed to finish the map. I had to erase SOOO many of those fine details, just to get all the "ceilings/floors" done properly. Its kind-of my over ambition and part poor planning. First off, the exterior ate up most of the best peices... the blocks (2x2, 5x5, ect). Then, I didn't want the map to be all on one level. I didn't want just mulitple floors, but I wanted the main floor to have slight raises and stuff, so its not so boring. You can go through the map and pick out many things that I could've done to save budget/pieces, but in the end it always became a parts-swap. Remove some asthetics from one area to add some to another. Once I knew that there wouldn't be enough budget to allow for external (outside the death star) fighting, I started to remove the exterior panels, then almost ALL the rails for $ to finish the insides. Take a look at how I had to make some of the floors and ceilings, and you'll notice how desperate I was getting to just finish it off. That one large empty room (between the loading bay and rocket room) used to be the control center. Now its completely empty, with just the health pack hanging on the wall. I also didn't want to use any teleporters, I wanted to just use ramps and grav-lifts, but lack of good pieces (object limit) came in and teabagged my face. Anyways, I know I could make this map better, but I don't want to make another Death Star type map, for awhile. I'm now making a stunt track and another Star Wars type map by many requests over Xbox live. Thanks for everybodies comments.

    *edit - Yeah Riot Pig, I agree about the loadout cameras. There's only loadout cameras if you play the one-flag setting. That's one of my huge regrets about this map. I also never tested it with elites! lol. I never thought that they would be taller than the spartans, so by merging the teleporters into the floors wouldn't allow their extra height to go through. Live & learn. Thanks again for the comments
    #20 TheClubhouse, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010

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