Dementia slayer Download: : Halo Reach : File Details Dementia can be played as a 2v2 or a ffa map. Inspired by the original distortion (by inspired i mean the whole 45 degree angle turn thing not that the layout even loosely resembles it) this map can lead to some trippy shoot outs. Ive divided it into three basic areas The Structured Portion which is pretty and easily navigable (also houses the teleporter inside it which shoots you across the map, and the man cannon) The Maze, which isnt neccessarily a maze, (its easy to go from one side to the other) so much as being a way to lose your pursuers because once your inside there are tons of directions to go) and the jungle gym crafted from narrow 1x1 blocks with multiple jumps and angles These three areas offer a variety of different combat situations. I dont have any weapons on the map, i like to play fiesta just to add to the insanity on the map, however i did place a jet pack and 2 tripmines. The tripmines are just there for lulz but The jetpack is for switching out on the fly... i had an epic moment in one of my games where i launched the hologram off an edge then followed it off after switching to the jetpack and proceeded to kick @$$ this is kind of like an overview even though it only shows like a 1/3 of the map
I like it, it's a lot like distortion. Even though Fiesta sound pretty fun, it seems like it wouldn't hurt to add some weapons. This must have been pretty weird to forge. The jetpack will work nicely. I'll download this and give it a try.
i like the whole map because i loved distortion, however, people do already know this whole concept and idea, but, if it works in reach, you got a DL from me!
Ffffffff. I just finished mine! Now I'm saddened. Lovin' the jungle gym though; that seems really sweet.
yeah i really liked the jetpack gameplay (as well as evade which i liked to sneak into the starting loadouts) And then i understand where your comments about weapons are coming from but i just couldnt come up with a good placement strategy on the fiesta is great here