Download Hogwarts Here! Hogwarts School of ForgeCraft and Teabaggery by: TrueXSup3rmanx and Fyniks Ever wanted to duke it out on Hogwarts? Okay, well it's a fictional world so you can't, but we got dam close. Welcome to Hogwarts, School of Forgecraft and Teabaggery. Hogwarts But in all seriousness, me and a friend made this map to see how far and how big forge really is, and we were shocked that you could build an entire Castle! The castle includes the Great Hall, Griffindor and HufflePuff Common Rooms, Snapes Potions Closet, The Owlery Tower and 2 addition side rooms. Works for FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF and Assault. Headhunter, Invasion, Stockpile and Territories coming soon with new map. Here we go: HOGWARTS: Castle Backside Sideshot Backside Towers Front Towers ENTRANCE/MAIN LOBBY: Main Lobby Side Shot Front Door (Size Comparison: A whole Warthog fits in that hole) Flying Car! (See I told you) WINDING STAIRCASE: Look Up in the Lobby! (Vehicles fit on those ramps) SideShot Up Top THE ROOMS: The Great Hall (Dumbledors Podium Included!) To the Lookout and Dementor's Landing! HufflePuff CommonRoom Entrance Room of Requirement Snape's Potions Closet Griffindor CommonRooms Snape's Potions Closet Inside GRIFFINDOR COMMON ROOM: Veiw from Ramp Spawn Points View 2 Backway from Griffindor to HufflePuff HUFFLEPUFF COMMONROOMS: Snape's Closet to HufflePuff HufflePuff CommonRooms DEMENTOR'S LANDING/LOOKOUT: Learn to Fly Dementor's Landing Turret Secret Passage to Griffindor SNIPER TOWER: Entrance from Lobby Use Floo Powder Snipe Tower OWLERY: Owl's Tower Stairs Down FLOO POWDER NETWORK: The Fastest Way to Travel... ...Is via Floo Powder DiagonAlley SideRoom 3 Azkaban..? Escape from Azkaban..? MUGGLE's WORLD: Muggle Tunnel Muggle Spawn Sniper Warning Don't try to fly too high ;P Quidditch Coming Soon! V2 Coming Soon! Download Hogwarts Now!
The map looks really cool, although I can't wait to see a V2 of this. That way you know how big something can be and hopefully you make the map on land. Even the most powerful spell can't float a castle =P. I like how you made so many rooms but I also think you add some details. Like tables or other stuff. Good job.
Hey dude, thanks a bunch, and yea, our bungie forum got a good amount of feedback from people saying things we should add and so far all great reviews and suggestions.. Our second version will have all 4 common rooms, the castle will be on land, haha we already determined that and hopefully a whole second wing of the castle with that rickety bridge. And maybe hagrids hut and a quidditch field if budget allows for it.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Hey guys just note that half the picture links aren't working properly, I just it errored when i copied it over from bungie, even the links are the right one it takes you to the wrong picture, i'll try to fix it soon.
Awesome map dude i just had an idea maybe you can build it for invasion you know death eaters (elites) vs the good guys (Spartans)
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I have been working on hogwarts since i got the game and mine is for invasion!!!!!!!!!!! Good creation though. I like the stair case
I saw it and thought, "wow you are a genius". Also, Crazy Stairs is this where you got the Winding Staircase idea from? I saw it and thought, "wow you are a genius". Also, Crazy Stairs is this where you got the Winding Staircase idea from?
LOL! sadly thats not where I got the sideways stairs idea. But family has influenced many other things ive made. So guys I need help, for V2, we want to build it on land, but theres NO flat land anywhere!, and the small plateau on top of the coliseum doesn't count, its too small.. Any ideas? No matter where I go there will be rocks inside Hogwarts main
I know that this isn't really what you were going for, but you could make it off the side of the island, so that it's connected to land, but it still won't be the same. just a sugestion
Awesome! I'm subscribing to this thread and awaiting version 2 !! Good job! Let me know if you would like someone to test ^_^
Way ahead of you Kill, haha, v2 is already attached to......a land formation....can't say if its the island forsure