Hi everyone, hope your day is going well. Yesterday I was just messing around in Forge World, playing with some ideas in my head and getting a feel for how everything worked. I created a Kill Area down the length of Hemorrhage. In effect it was supposed to act as a wall, cutting off the two sides from one another. I created it as a Hard Kill Area, with the shape of a "box". Then I played with the dimensions to get it the size and shape that worked for me. The width was small at 0.5 and the length was something like 90. The area was phased, so I could move it down in the grown and cover the area well with all those hills and dips. Once I was happy with it (about 30 minutes later) I tested it out. Riding a mongoose I drove head first into the zone and.... nothing happened. Huh. I thought maybe the width was too small so I increased it to 2.0 and tried again. Same result. I bumped it back up to the default 3.0 and again nothing happened. Even stopping within the zone and waiting still didn't kill me. I got off the mongoose and tried on foot. Same thing. I went into edit mode and hovered into the area, again nothing changed. Huh. I tried restarted a round to see if that was the problem with no luck. I then backed out of Forge altogether, went into Custom Games and loaded my map there. Still no death. Does anyone have any idea what's going on? I know I selected Hard Kill, but even if I didn't I should have seen the countdown for a soft kill. I know I when I was playing around with teleporters and made it out of a box I had problems getting it to work (when I changed those to a cylinder it worked). Is this some issue with the "box" shape? I couldn't see any mention of it on Bungie.net. Thanks.
The soft kill/kill areas dont actually work until the map is played in an actual game im pretty sure its like this to make it easier to edit so if you need to test your kill areas, go into a custom game and check them out then go back into forge and tweek it to your hearts desire.
i've made plenty of box shaped kill zones! only thing i've done by accident before is placed a box not realising it wasn't actually touching the ground. you can walk right under kill zones if they don't make contact with the floor? possible solution?
Kill zones don't actually function in Forge. So, make sure you know where your zone's dimensions are, and then try walking into them in customs.
Thanks for the replies guys. I did wonder about that, but as I mentioned before, I popped into a Custom Game to test that theory and it didn't work then either. =( I'll try again but could it be a weird labeling issue (I don't fully get when those are required and when they are simply optional for advanced tweaking). I was in "Basic Editing" when created the zone which I thought would carry over to all gametypes. So when I tested in a Custom Game, I just picked Slayer to do it. @Magical Zonkey. Thanks, but afraid that wasn't the problem. Made sure it was plenty phased into the ground to avoid that. I'll go back and try again, see if I didn't save the map properly or something. Not too hopeful it will work though. It's funny, Forge seems at the same time, both much easier and more complicated than before.
Building is much easier but setting it up to be playable is much harder. Just try making an invasion map...most annoying thing evar!
As i stated before, kill areas do not work in forge, they are just there to place for custom games to setup boundaries for your map. You either A. dont have the kill boundary around the correct area you where trying to get it at in which you just need to nudge it around to your liking or B. you just fail. Check around on here or Bnet for more help if needed. Good luck and happy forging!
BizBloodshot, you did clearly not read his post(s). He states that he did try this in custom games, and that it still doesn't work. Venasque: Make a killzone 100.9 length, width, top and bottom with the shape of a box and try it then. Just to make sure you're not outside the shape of it. Other than that, I got no clue.
Rolfero, i did infact read his post and i did infact state solutions. I not only mentioned the fact that the boundaries do not activate in forge, but i also stated that if he has already tested this in custom games, he either fails or did not make the boundary big enough in width, height, length, etc. PS. "you did clearly not read his post(s)" < "you clearly did not read his post(s)"