TITAN MODE Territories > Assault > Core Download BOTH the map and gametype if you want to try it out YouTube - TITAN MODE by Highlaw101 Backstory: None, your imagination. How it works: Spartans attack, Elites defend. Each team spawns on their Titan (those big ships) throughout the whole game. I will explain each phase in the perspective of the attacking team in a moment, but first let's take a quick look at the titans: Once you spawn you can either jump off of the titan (grab the yellow orb so that the fall doesn't kill you - they respawn instantly) or ride a vehicle. UNSC has a warthog, Covies have a Revenant in the 1st phase. After that, both vehicles disappear - the UNSC gets a Falcon, Covies get 2 Banshees. There is a Sniper on the UNSC's Titan, since Covies always have the highground advantage (all phases) - it balances things out. ---- Now let's follow Pedrito in his journey - He is a proud Reachian (sp?) 1st PHASE Territories UNSC LOADOUTS: GUARD - Assault Rifle, Drop Shield, 1x Frag BERSERKER - Spiker, Magnum, Sprint, 3x Frag COVENANT LOADOUTS: DECEIVER - Needler, Plasma Pistol, Hologram, 2x Plasma WARRIOR - Plasma Rifle, Sprint, 1x plasma He chose to ride the warthog, perfect landing as always [We do not guarantee a good landing, flames on your warthog might or might not be a secondary effect of using our one-way-shield technology (tm) Other secondary effects include: Blowing up at random times, tremendous G forces which result in brain damage, Decapitation, Damaged crotch area, Posttraumatic shield disorder] This is what it looks like inside. The UNSC has 2 DMR's on the ground, Covies have 2 NR's (essentially the "power weapons" of the first phase) It might seem that the rocks are placed randomly, and that there isn't enough cover, But I took a lot of time to consider the Line of Sight (LoS) and different routes to the territories, I hope it's balanced - just check it out and tell me if you like it. The territories are closer to the Defending team, not in the middle of the cave. After the Spartans win the battle... 2nd PHASE Assault UNSC LOADOUTS: AIR ASSAULT - DMR, Jet Pack, 1x Each SECURITY - Magnum, Assault Rifle, Sprint, 2x Each SPEC OPS - Spiker, Shotgun, Active Camo, 2x Each COVENANT LOADOUTS: DECEIVER - NR, Hologram, 2x Plasma ZEALOT - Plasma Repeater, Plasma Pistol, Evade, 1x Plasma GRENADIER - Concussion Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Armor Lock, 2x Each ... magic happens. Two cannons of men appear out of nowhere. Go to the top. I advise Spartans to go back to their own mancannon - it's safer and you don't eat as many plasma bolts/needles on your way up. You stumble upon your base. Each base has an infinite amount of weaker weapons (Assault Rifle, Magnum / Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol) all on 1sec respawn - a few Loadout weapons for ammo (60 sec respawn) - a Power weapon [highlighted in the image] - a bunch of grenades and 2 Health stations. Covies get a Ghost, UNSC a Missile-hog (Reminder: Covies also have 2 Banshees, UNSC a Falcon - inside their Titans) Pedrito likes his new weapon. He needs to carry the bomb to the Covi Cruiser, and blast it open. The green line is the quickest route to get there, but also the most dangerous Again, from this image it looks like there isn't much cover, but down there the LoS is balanced (I hope) and it still has enough room for vehicular combat. Walk the Walk, Jump the Jump Plant the bomb (nothing stops you from doing it inside if you want to) Big BOOM. Doors are open. (RIP Pedrito, never forget) 3rd PHASE Core (CTF) UNSC LOADOUTS: OPERATOR - Grenade Launcher, Magnum, Jet Pack, 1x Frag SHARPSHOOTER - DMR, Magnum, Sprint, no grenades MEDIC - Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Drop Shield, 2x Frag INFILTRATOR - Plasma Pistol, Magnum, Active Camo, 4x Each COVENANT LOADOUTS: CHAMPION - Fuel Rod Gun, none, 1x Plasma ROYAL ZEALOT - NR, Needler, Evade, no grenades DEMOLITIONS - Concussion Rifle, Plasma Repeater, Drop Shield, 2x Plasma SABOTEUR - Focus Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Active Camo, 4x Each Get the Core! And jump out of the Cruiser. Find your way back - you can go up to the Covi base, walk through the cave (safer), or jump on a falcon and test your luck. Basically, you need to get here to win the game. -----I hope you all enjoy it ----- Side note: Could you send me your clips on this map? It would be helpful, even if it's just a 2v2.
I'm confused how is the second phase assault? And how do you set mancannons to spawn at the next phase, what are they set to?
you can customize what the invasion settings are in the gametype. the man cannons have been set to inv_weapon or inv_vehicle with pahse number set to 2. so they spawn at that time. OT: looks cool, i like the big ships, although i think it would have been cooler to revolve around them more, like a star wars battlefront style thing.
INV_GATES = "It" dispawns after the phase you set it to (Ex: The rock is INV_GATES phase 1 - it is gone by phase 2 /// The titan's Revenant and Warthog are also INV_GATES) INV_WEAPON = Use this to spawn whatever. Set something to phase 2 or 3 and "it" will spawn in that phase (forever). You have to set a spawn time or it won't work. (Ex: doors after the explosion are INV_WEAPON phase 3 with 1 sec spawn time)
This also looks like a creative invasion map that I wouldn't mind trying out some time. If you are looking for testers I'd be willing to, my gamertag is L0d3x.
I sure am! I would like to try a 6v6 to test it Let's sort out sometime to play together 10pm GMT would be perfect for me. But anytime between 5pm and 11pm (GMT) will do.
I got infracted for that post, I was gonna update later and this is my update on my friends opinions (FYI I played 2v2 ): My friends complained that whatever side they were on had worse weapons (but thats obviously to do with their skills). I believe that the weapon and vehicle placements are perfect. I love the classes that go with the gametype too, I'm definatley going to play this again but I'll probably never get to play with any 'hubbers because of pushy friends, time zone differences and restricted times. And to anyone reading this, do give this game a go, you won't regret it!
Oh thank you ^^ I wanted to make loadouts a bit unique. Combine the worst weapons with the most common/best AA, I paid special attention with the grenades too. I don't want to make it a DMR vs NR game. Ofc I never tested them so I'll take your word The best "test" I ever did was a 1v2... didn't go that well for me
Cool, map like the idea, but need more players to play. anyone wanting to play please add me and do some custom Inv!