The invasion map I just made is really big, and really nice according to all the people that played it today, but there is a spawn killing problem... The Attackers have a Scorpion, 2 warthogs, and 2 mongooses at their initial spawn. The problem is the defenders pushed them back and spawn killed. Solution? Put a soft kill barrier up that only effects the defenders from going into the attacker's spawn. The only problem is I dont know how to put it in.... Anybody know how?
You might want to make a one-way shield door hangar for the attackers' vehicles, then put some defense objects such as machine gun turrets as back-up if the defenders ever attempt to spawn-kill the attackers. Or just a wall of one-way shield doors (yes, this alternative might look ugly).
Even teams of testers will work wonders. I'm not sure how the defenders could possibly beat back the attacker's scorpion enough to spawn camp them. The most probable answer is that the attackers failed.
I tried that same thing for my map and all of the kill/safe zones affect everyone, doesnt matter what team you put that to. I wish It would have worked though, maybe in an update or DLC though, I hope they do.