King of the Warthog v2 So I've always enjoyed warthog derbies, but its been difficult to give them a point (i.e. keep people interested/focused). Now that you can make warthogs hills in KOTH, I've been able to create a map/gametype combination that makes warthog derbies pretty amazing. I'm still playing with the current layout, originally it was just a the center flat area, and I'm still not 100% sure if I want to keep all the of the ramps and corners etc. There is a one way teleporter diagonally from the warthog corner that will allow players to get back if they lose their warthog and the other teleporters are two way and will allow players and land vehicles to go through them. I am also iffy on keeping the stairs/small lower area, any feedback on that would be good. This is a crazy king gametype where each warthog can be a hill. The hill will randomly change every 30 seconds, so you can either get out of your warthog and try drive the new hill or if someone is already driving the warthog/hill then you can try and ram him off the map. First one to 150 seconds wins (there is a time limit as well). Players can only drive and can't board vehicles. Currently I have the gametype as loading with sprint and limited ammo for the plasma launcher and fuel rod gun. Players will do no damage but the concussive force can shove the warthogs around. In addition, the warthogs and the players are invulnerable. I may also post a different gametype and map which has gauss warthogs and allows players to drive and shoot. The only problem is you need many people so there will be a possible team of 2 who may try and blast off the hill with their turret. I'm still open to ideas for different weapon loadouts, if any. Possibly rockets? Maybe the concussion rifle, although it can be easily abused. Plasma pistol can be annoying, but it can work. Grenade launcher is also possible. Any thought on maybe placing one or more of these weapons would be good. I'm also considering some land mines or a grav lift, probably in the main square area. UPDATE This is essentially version 2 now. I have posted the original flat version which is all about driving (no guns). I have also refined the more interesting version a lot. Starting loadout is limited hammer and fuel rod with sprint or jetpack. Jetpack and sprint spawn in the middle of the flat space with rockets inbetween. There is a concussion rifle in the bowl opposite the warthog corner and a laser behind the warthogs on the mound. The reason jetpacks are allowed is to let people on foot get a better angle on people driving around the edge. In addition there are trip mines between the vehicle teleporters and on the inside of each corner (besides the bowl). There are also plasma batteries on the side closest to the grassy area/arena in the cliff. I have done decent testing with this, although not with more than 4 or 6 people. The more people there are, the more fun it is. If you have enough, there is a team version that allows you to get in the passenger seat so you can chase and shoot at the hill at the same time. Hopefully I will get some FEEDBACK this time, I had no feedback at all on the last version. Thanks for downloading though. Will post new screenshots soon. VERSION 2 MAP: : Halo Reach : File Details ORIGINAL BLANK MAP: : Halo Reach : File Details VERSION 2 GAMETYPE: : Halo Reach : File Details VERSION 2 TEAM GAMETYPE: : Halo Reach : File Details ORIGINAL GAMETYPE (NO GUNS): : Halo Reach : File Details
Er, so what exactly is the point? You mentioned a crazy hill (which changes) but then also said that warthogs are the what's going on? Hijacking mania? Switching hogs repeatedly? Since this is a mini-game, you might want to assume that no one else knows how to play your game...let 'em know!!!
So, I've been working on refining the gametype and map with my friends. I was hoping for feedback from people, and although its great many people are downloading the map and gametype, no one has told me what they think about it (kinda disappointed). Once my internet works better at my house I will post the orginial version (small area, all about driving so no weapons). I will also post a version with starting hammers and fuel rods (limited ammo). Armor abilities will be sprint or jet pack and there will be rockets that spawn in the center and a concussion rifle that spawns in the bowl opposite the warthog corner. I will probably add a sprint and jetpack near the rockets if you want to change out between deaths. I'm also considering adding some small obstacles along the the lower flat areas. Btw, I deleted the basement part because it didn't add anything. The jetpacks are useful for getting a good angle on warthogs running along the perimeter. And could people who get to play this map please give me some feedback?? I want to refine this gametype!
looks pretty fun, I will play when I get to my house tomorrow I have just one question, In the first pic, where do those stairs go?
lol, just a little basement. It has since been deleted. When my internet works (............) I will post the current version. The basement is deleted, there are some bumps along two of the edges and plasma batteries on the 3rd edge. In addition there are a couple landmines between the teleporters and on each corner (besides the bowl corner). The spawning options are jetpack or sprint with limited hammer and fuel rod. Rockets spawn in the middle, concussion rifle in the bowl, splaser on the upside down dish behind the warthogs. Jetpack and sprint also spawn in the middle near the warthogs (in case you want to change out between deaths). A lot of work has been put in refining to this point, so once the new version is posted I hope for some good feedback (hopefully saying how addictive it is).
I played version two of this the other day and let me say it was a blast, especially once we got a good number of people in. I don't really have any complaints for the map, its great - you've got the center where you will probably survive flipping but where you'll be getting harassed constantly and the edge where any hit will send you and the hill over but where it is harder for the infantry to keep up with you. My only real issue was that there is no real reason for people to get in the hogs unless its the hill. Perhaps if it was only the hammer there would be more reason, but with the rapid fire fuel rod gun its easier to just jet over near them and lay a clip out with a bit of lead ahead of them. I think maybe the mode might be a bit better with no fuel rod gun, or perhaps with the grenade launcher or something else a little less overpowered to replace it (what does the spartan laser do w/ indestructable vehicles? I've never tried it). Another way to fix that would be to spawn some "power vehicles" that can shove stuff off real easy like the revenant, wraith, etc, and have a smaller number of hogs which can hold the hill. One minor thing, there was one guy who kept predicting which vehicle would be the hill. is the order predictable or was he just joking around? He was calling them with enough accuracy that the hills were already in the air from a half dozen different fuel rod guns before they even lit up most of the time. If the switching for crazy king is predictable I almost think the map would be more fun with just a single hill that continuously respawns on the same hog. People rarely last to thirty seconds anyway, even when we started playing this before we had more than like six or eight people. But yeah awesome map, and I can't believe more people haven't made vehicular hill modes yet.
FINALLY! Somebody gave me some feedback But yea, that is something I've noticed. I've tried playing with the spawn timers and minimum warthogs on the map, tough to get them back up. And the prediction? Thats a little weird. I'm pretty good about chilling near the warthogs on the 30 second and the minute when it changes, but I can't predict them. And thats definitely an interesting idea of having larger vehicles on the map. Maybe a revanent? Have to play with the cannon and see how explosive it is. I sent a friend request/msg, I can't find tons of people to play it and it would make testing easier (maybe 4 people on my end). Don't forget there's a concussion rifle, a laser, and rockets on the map.
Yeah a revenant would be nice, really anything which encouraged people to get in the vehicles more rather than just using the fuel rod gun. You could also maybe change the team variant to focus on just a couple of teams (two or three) instead of a bunch of smaller ones, making it easier to play with smaller groups (and easier to set up people interfering in the other vehicles as well as people simply trying to nab the hill). I haven't been on in a couple days, but I'm about to log on to see if I can find any customs and I'll accept your friend request. I'd definitely like to play this game some more, as well as some variants. Really any vehicular hill game (crazy king or normal) seems to be pretty fun to me. I've got a little simple functional volcano map (kill ball launchers in a ravine in the middle spawning and launching kill balls down two opposite slopes on differing time intervals to keep it seeming semi-random) that I think would be real fun for one of these modes, but haven't really tried to set it up for it yet. But yeah if you see me on especially while i'm in a big party in customs join and if I'm not the host we can see if they'll pass it and try a couple rounds of your game. I'm really just getting on now to see if I can get another match of it set up, its a blast. EDIT: You need to find someone who has a cap card so you can get a video up on youtube. I think a lot more people would download it if they could see what it looks like with 10+ people