Night Attack (BETA) (originally titled Night Assault (BETA) until Bungie -Blam-ed that title) is an invasion map ranging from near the pillar island, to the big island, to the beach. The Spartans start in a UNSC Special Operations insertion frigate. The frigate is armed with four Shade multi-purpose batteries, three Falcon strike craft, and normally, enough heavy lifting capability to move two Warthogs and two Mongooses down to the action easily. Unfortunately, engagements with the Covenant have severely damaged the frigate's heavy lifting capabilities, leaving it unable to drop supplies in during combat. The frigate, with the Covenant base in the far background. The Spartans spawn in the hangar area of the frigate, and must mount Falcons to ride assault and secure a beachhead for the landing of troops and supplies. Once more, unto the breach! To defend the beachhead, the Covenant have four plasma turrets, and a convenient plasma launcher. On ne passe pas! Once the Spartans establish a beachhead, they must push the short distance to the middle tunnel of the island. To aid in this purpose, their frigate manages to get a tank onto the ground, in addition to a couple of Warthogs. The Elites, utilizing a second plasma launcher, prepare to destroy the tank, and hold off Spartan infantry from amongst the rocks in front of and above the cave. The rocks. By the time the Spartans have captured this central location, the frigate has managed to drop a second Scorpion, and a rocket 'hog. Now the Spartans can push on to the beach; either by taking the ford to the left side of the Elite base and hitting the man cannon there, crossing the bridge, or by man cannoning across just to the right of the bridge. The bridge, the cross-sea man cannon and the cliff man cannon. Notice that the Covenant have access to two Wraiths at this point, making any non-bridge crossing risky. Once the Spartans force themselves across the sea they have to get to the uppermost reaches of the Covenant base; their communications relay. They must capture it! The relay. And that's it. Once the relay is captured, the Spartans have won the day, and have forced the Elites to retreat. The gametype isn't really necessary to play this bugger, I imagine it would play just as well or better with the default invasion gametype. This cost just shy of 9000 dollars to create. This is my first invasion map (that actually WORKS) so any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. By tiscoming and a guy w/o an XBL gamertag.