Okay I made a juggernaut variant and I checked all the settings but every time it makes the juggernaut start out with a gravity hammer. This is really starting make me mad because I want him to start out with the stuff I want him to have. The game even starts out with the games title as "Juggernaut" instead of the title I made.
did you save the game variant? Did you change the juggernauts starting weapon? Did you change it to your gametype in custom games? ^^the only reasons I can think of^^ and I know you said you checked all the settings, Im just trying to help
Could you upload your gametype to your fileshare and post a link here? It may help to have others look over it with a fresh eye and see if they can figure out what's wrong. Alternatively it might just have glitched in some way, have you tried remaking the gametype from scratch?