Halo Reach Spawning Specific Questions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Fuzzy Blue Food, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Fuzzy Blue Food

    Fuzzy Blue Food Forerunner

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    I've been working on a map which I will submit here soon but I've been wondering about how the spawn system works. While I was testing the map out with a few friends it always choose the same 3 spawn points over and over. This is where my first question comes in. Is there any way to make the spawn system choose more diverse locations. It should also be known that at this point in my maps development I had around 40-50 spawn points and I had not set it up for anything besides Slayer and Team Slayer. I wanted to see if weak spawn zones and anti spawn zones have any effect on the spawning system but I have no clue what their exact purpose is so I'm also wondering how those Influence the spawning system. Any assistence provided is much appreciated.

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright, so I'm not a master at all of this stuff, but here it is in a nutshell:

    You place down a bunch of respawn points and initial spawn points right? There are your places that players will spawn in the beginning and throughout the game.

    The spawn areas work in "point system," as I'd like to say. A respawn area by itself has a value of 0. If there is an enemy in the zone, it's now -100, if two enemies, now -200. You get the idea. If there are your teammates you would get +100 or +200 depending on how many are in the respawn area. Two enemies and three teammates would balance out to +100 (I can do math!). The highest value is the prime spot that the system will respawn you in, unless you choose another spot manually, in-game.

    Alright, so that's pretty easy. A weak respawn zone would be like you only spawn in this area when it's needed, so maybe it has -200 let's say. It's not impossible to spawn there, but it's not as likely. An anti respawn zone would make it so that you do NOT spawn in that area. This is mainly used as a timed event, so that you wouldn't spawn in the last area you were in.

    I hope this helps!

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