Ritual Grounds

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vince Noir, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    Ritual Grounds


    "all who walk the blessed path will find true salvation... even in death"
    ~Sanghelli Religious Proverb

    When the Covenant first discovered the Forerunner artifact known as the "Halo", the prophets were quite intrigued about what undiscovered technology and hidden artifacts they could find buried deep within the terrain of the mysterious ring. The high prophets were so curious in fact, they sent scouting parties all over Halo to search it for any such artifacts. One such party consisted of nothing but Sanghelli religious leaders, the best of the best. This party, while combing over the mysterious terrain of Halo, found quite the curious cave. A cave that contained a sacred Sanghelli religious symbol. (pictured below)


    The leaders of the scouting party didn't know what to do over this discovery; They had just discovered an artifact that was supremely important to the Sanghelli, but the Covenant needed to know of any such artifact. One half of the scouting party was adamant in their opinion. They believed this discovery was too sacred to let the prophets desecrate. The other half of the party, however, felt obligated to report the artifact to the Covenant, knowing it was their duty. Quickly, this difference in opinion broke the party into two separate camps, who each believed the other camp were all heretics.

    In all this fighting, the Sanghelli party failed to realize that they were, in fact, desecrating this holy ground. Through the power of the artifact, the entrance to cave collapsed, trapping the entire party inside, with no chance of exit. This turn of events caused the tension to rise to breaking point, and the parties turned on each other and began to fight. The fighting, however, only angered the artifact further, and it began to drive the Sanghelli insane.

    Now, YOU must step into the shoes of one of the Sanghelli religious leaders. No matter what you choose to fight for, you are in a race against time to fight for your life...and your sanity.

    The Map
    Red Base
    Blue Base
    The "Angel"
    The "Hand"

    Your Sanity
    Earlier in this post, I mentioned you'll be fighting for your sanity. However, this is a fight you will lose. Allow me to explain. At around 30 seconds into the game, your mind will start to slip, and the map will begin to look like this as you start to suffer from HPPD.
    Then, at around 1 minute into the game, the effects of your madness become more noticeable as your hallucinations get worse
    Until finally, you'll go so insane your vision will start to flash red (much like when Cortana contacted you in the Halo 3 campaign)

    Action Shots
    Cut down
    Dead Brothers

    It's a surprise.

    I would like to thank the following for testing assistance: Eo Khalamar, AMERICAN , CornNerd, xXSMD FuzzyXx, Biz420Sniper, VISCOUS3745, and anyone else I forgot.

    Map design:Vince Noir
    Concept:Vince Noir
    A Vince Noir production of a Vince Noir idea.
    #1 Vince Noir, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  2. kaosminett

    kaosminett Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Crazy map, I really liked the fx and the layout. Especially liked the teleporter that goes nowhere and the man cannon that launches you into the ceiling. the map seemed small though, probably because I like larger maps, but it would be good for fast-paced frantic slayer
  3. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    Thank you for your feedback! If you ever play a game or two on it, lemme know what you think of the gameplay.

    Frantic, indeed.
  4. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Great map. I love the fx spawns that make it truely seem like you are going insane. Again, in love!

    (Vince, youll have to get on sometime im on and me and you will go through the map to make sure it is 100% and ill have to show you that potential campers spot)
  5. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    I fixed that camper spot. I found it when I was watchign the film for action shots, and saw it, and covered it with a big rock.
  6. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really fun looking map. I haven't had a chance to play a custom game on it, but I did a walk-through on the map and it looks great. I like how you've added so much detail into the map. Nice!
  7. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback Clubhouse! Nice to see the Death Star guy comment on my map! Let me know how it plays for you after you have a custom on it/download it, please.
  8. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    I like having large groups play in small spaces. It adds an awesome chaos to the game I don't think lots of halo maps have in them.
  9. STIX1381

    STIX1381 Forerunner

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    The map is amazing and probably the best aesthetic slayer map I have seen so far. I love the perfect lighting effects and their spawn timing. Although the game play is fun the map is kind of one sided because most of the power weapons are in one area. The way that your screen flashes red is awesome and definitely makes it look like your person is going insane. Pictures cannot show the true insanity of this game if you have a capture card or if you have a friend that has one you should make a video and upload it to YouTube. I also thought the story you made for it was pretty cool, informative, and entertaining to read.
    #9 STIX1381, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  10. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I downloaded this and played it with Vince. It is really fun, and completely originally. The map layout is very interesting, and open enough to where you can move around the map quickly but has enough cover for a good (in my opinion) four player or less game. The coloring constantly changes and makes it a true piece of art when it comes to maps. Great work, Vince.
  11. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    I'm thinking about making a short walkthrough video and rendering it with Bungie Pro.

    Also, which side do you find it unbalanced to? I may try to fix it in a v2
  12. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have to say this has a certain wow factor and certainly yells at me "ROAR! I AM A MAP!"

    DLed and will test and see if they are any issues I can raise with it. Awesome map, awesome backstory, innovative use of timers and FXs.
    Have to ask though, why no weapon list? There is no reason not to describe them, is there?
  13. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    Because it's a surprise.

    The real reason is, I forgot to write down all the weapons I spawned, then misplaced some. Rookie Mistake
  14. noklu

    noklu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's what I thought. If I can be bothered, I'll take a long look at it and write down the weapon list for ya. Maybe.
  15. Vince Noir

    Vince Noir Forerunner

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    I would appreciate that. When/if I do a v2 I'll include a weapons list

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