Contention 1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by chapter12, May 1, 2008.

  1. chapter12

    chapter12 Ancient
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    1.1 Includes these changes:
    *Fence box in left "wall" adds more strategy, as a sniper has more room to fire
    *Spikers added back in, this time in more out-of-the-way areas (one on each side)
    *Brute shot added
    *Staircase widened on left side, left side also walled to provide a cleaner look.
    *Many objects melded together for a cleaner look.
    *More scenery added, and other smaller changes.

    Download Here

    Contention is a medium sized map designed for 1v1 slayer. It is set up in a Boarding Action-like manner. There are two sides, two sniper towers (like in Boarding Action), four teleporters (two on each side - having more than that makes the map far too confusing), good weapon/spawn placement, and easily accessible entrances into each base.

    This map has been perfected. I basically redesigned the first version so that basically everything is even in a sense that provides balanced, well working game-play.

    This is NOT a "Castle Wars" - type map, both sides have varying weapon sets (there is only one rocket launcher, one spartan laser, one shotgun, and one gravity hammer placed in this map) and geometry.

    Gametype: Slayer


    ***AT LEAST Read Here Before You Play***

    Before you judge this map, due to it's simple nature it might not look all that special. Play at least one game of Slayer on it first. Just one. This map is basically designed for 1v1. It's probably taken, altogether, over 16 hours of combined time to make and perfect.

    You'll enjoy yourself, hard to make it sound that way but you will.

    Oh, and if you download, please rate/comment/critique. Really appreciated.

    Pics of "Contention 1.0" - have changed since these. (read bulleted list above). Actually looks very different now, has a "cleaner" feel.


    Detailed Description

    Hey, this is a remake of Contention, my first map. Most of my friends agree, let alone anyone who's downloaded this map off of my fileshare, that this is one of their favorite forges.

    Please Note: These are pics of Contention 1.0 (not previously posted on Forgehub). The new version, although not very noticeable at first glance, plays far better than the previous version.


    First off, Contention is designed for free for all slayer. The Teleporters destroy any options for CTF and other specifically team based gametypes. I've heard Infection is also quite fun, but spawn points have not been set specifically for the zombies/humans. It plays VERY well for 1v1.


    The map is asymmetrical in many respects. This is done purposefully. While it has two opposing sides, they aren't necessarily designed as forts or bases [like castle wars], just as the original Boarding Action was designed [read below].


    The weapons are placed in a balanced manner throughout the map; one side, separated by a huge chasm from the other, might have the shotgun and gravity hammer while the other has the rocket launcher and brute shot with slightly longer respawns for its powerful weapons. Differing geometry works in the same manner for both sides.



    #1 chapter12, May 1, 2008
    Last edited: May 3, 2008
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I'll take your word and play before I judge it

    Edit: I have checked out the map and I can say that the map is way better to go around than looking at pics. Well-balanced map, 3 levels, and the weapons are placed well
    #2 Norlinsky, May 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2008
  3. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Change your map name, I already have a map named Contention. It is older, but I still have the rights to its name because I plan to remake it and release it, so change your thread name.
  4. chapter12

    chapter12 Ancient
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    No offense, but I think about 30,000 other people have the map name "Contention." I wouldn't be surprised if Bungie tried using it for one of their own maps.

    In the short amount of time that I posted the first version of this map, someone else literally posted another map at the exact same time with that name.

    Do you really have the "rights" to that name? If that really is a forum rule, I'll change the name later.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Yeah, but these forums are smaller, and there aren't any other maps except your's with that name and mine...

    I hope you know I don't really care, if you knew me you would know I am pretty sarcastic, I don't really care. Feel free to name it whatever, lol, I really don't care.
    #5 Bottlecap, May 1, 2008
    Last edited: May 1, 2008
  6. chapter12

    chapter12 Ancient
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    haha sorry you sounded kind of angry in your post, not as mad as I sounded though. i'll change it if I remake this map, but I mainly posted this because i wanted to get my map up and running on the forums. basically, I don't feel like taking the time to repost this map a third time because I'm working on another map at the moment. I might change the name regardless, it'll take me a while to think of a name though.
  7. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Lol, I know what you mean about not wanting to post it over, it is a real pain.
  8. chapter12

    chapter12 Ancient
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    hey thanks norlinsky. I'm glad you took the time to take a look around. it's difficult to make a map like that look good, that plus the screens are old.

    oh and i'm glad you know what i mean brute captain. i'll change the name if you want, i'll probably end up doing another remake one of these days. i don't have time at the moment though.

    i'm glad people are looking at my map, on it was immediately buried beneath hundreds of other threads. thanks
  9. KB

    KB Ancient
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    looks pretty fun i will download
  10. chapter12

    chapter12 Ancient
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    thanks. you'll enjoy it
  11. chapter12

    chapter12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it's a very good 1v1 map. i've got to change one thing before i post the final version but yeah, you should enjoy it. please download/rate/comment/critique
  12. Marcus Rethan

    Marcus Rethan Ancient
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    Designed for 1v1 and yet that big? I may download it and try it after school to see if it actually works good for 1v1.

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