Safe Haven Gametype

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by fencerman333, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. fencerman333

    fencerman333 Ancient
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    I'm going to assume right off the bat that Safe Haven is like any other default infection gametype. But what is so different about it? I was informed that it is sort of like invasion where you get to a certain point, or "safe haven" and stuff will spawn depending on how the map was forged. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  2. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    I would like to know what a Safe Haven gametype is also, can someone with prior experience in this subject please comment on this? And non of that "I think it's..." crap either. :p
  3. RecovOne

    RecovOne Ancient
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    I've played the bare, bungie made Safe Haven gametype. You have different traits when in the hill (in this case, you are invincible) then if you were out. I don't know about invasion-like, or things spawning. I have not seen any options that pertain to that at all.
  4. SilentAndy

    SilentAndy Forerunner

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    It is simply infection but the humans have "hill" or "destinations" that they can go to where; in the default settings, they would be invincible until they leave the the area or the area moves. Both teams (zombies and humans) can see the timer until the area moves so zombies can use this to their advantage.

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