Ideally built for Multiflag CTF Sky Top is a multilevel frag fest that will keep every player on their toes. It features many open air combat opportunities as well as up close and person close quarters battles at nearly every turn. The theme of the map is "There's more than one way to skin a cat."
your post is not up to date. you need at least one embedded video or picture. if you are having trouble please see this page. if your post is not fixed soon it will be locked.
Look at the bottom right of your posts. You'll notice an "Edit" button. In the future, you should use that and not post three other meaningless posts. You should probably add more pictures as well. Cheers, HarisSales.
OKay, i get that... but how do I make the picture I choose... show up in that left hand display where it currently says "No Image specified" And also, can I delete that second post I made where I thought I had correctly posted that picture.
I have yet to be able to arrange a 8v8 or 4v4 to truly test this map out. If anyone is interested in helping me accomplish this please reply.
Feedback Thanks so much man. I appreciate it. I'm new to the forum landscape if you can't tell lol. What do you think of the map? Added after 2 Days 19 Hours: Hey guys I've noticed I've gotten 378 views and 22 downloads on my flleshare. I'd really like some feedback on what you guys think. What do I need to change? Does the map just suck completely. Anything that you guys can tell me to help improve the map is appreciated.