original b.net thread I was rather pissed about the lack of a scarab fight.To see if it was even poosible I set the game on easy and went to the last mission where there are two scarabs, but you don't have to fight them. I ramped my mongoose off a rock and timed the jump off it and got myself inside the scarab. First thing I noticed was It doesn't seem as detailed as other scarabs probably as Bungie never meant for anyone to go inside. Next thing I head towards the power core thing, I have a hard tme explaining it, but it doesn't cause the scarab to blow up when destroyed, it doesn't even stop it. I'm a little disapointed. Now I have a rendered video thanks to boomdeyadah.Inside a Scarab rendered thanks to boomdeyadah.-fileshare I'm sorry I don't know how to embed videoa.
wow. that was ridiculously lucky how you got in it. but yeah, it makes me sad too. it would be cool to destroy it.
Yeah theres a little thing ou can shoot at in there and it resembles hunter skin and shoots out hunter blood(you don't see it here) but as far as I can tell it takes an infinite amount of damage.