OMG this looks amazing! Guardian was my favorite map in Halo 3. This looks exactly like it too. Keep up the good work.
glad you enjoy it, also i am planing to do another remake of epitaph construct or narrows idk witch one though
Hmmm I think you should go with contruct, epitah wasn't a great map, and I wasn't to fond of narrows either but hey thats just my opinoin.
i liked the way the water looked also on other maps people would get under the map and since it is low now you cant.
Theres a decent remake of Narrows out already, it needs some tweaks but its out there. I'd say go with Contruct.
thanks for the input i think i will do construct but not for awhile --- im glad you like it, also recommending it to your friends would be very helpful.
Great remake; not perfect, but pretty decent. There's the lack of the one mancannon as an issue, you're missing a crucial MLG jump (Yellow light room has a tunnel under middle of map, but there's a bridge to the right of it. you can jump between the two, but not in this version.), and unfortunately it's rendered unplayable if you're talking FPS. My framerate drops in regular maps, this map straight-up kills it, with just me in the game. mainly in the middle. I love what you've done, but there's room for improvement.
thanks for your input, the mancannon is missing because if you sprinted into them you would go flying, as for the mlg jumps/spot's i had to get rid of some due to them being cheep with jet pack/sprint and as for the lag its the game engine it only load's the items it need's to so if you go in mid it load's alot. however the more people who are in your game the less the engine lags. so in a 1v1 it will drop in frame rate a bit, but in a 2v2-8v8 you shouldn't get any map lag
I don't know if anyone else had this problem, but this map was unplayable for me due to severe frame-rate issues.
It's a nice remake, alot better than the first couple Guardian remakes that have turned up. Still way too much merging, the map has graphical glitches all over from it. I would also prefer a much cleaner center platform, because with all the merging it looks erratic and almost alive since it constantly pops in and out so much.
as i said before the more people in your game the less lag there will be due to the engine, as for the center it is flat it only looks bumpy due to the glass on the wall's but it will not stop nade/bullet's and it is flat