The Pit This is a 1x1 remake of H3’s the Pit. This map has been measured out and compared side by side with H3 to ensure remake purity. Myself and a few friends have spent the past week making this and ensuring that everything is exactly the same. The gametypes, weapons, layout and even the spawns the the same as in H3. Weapons: · 6 DMR’s -30 sec · 4 Spikers -30 sec · 2 Needlers- 120 sec · 2 Shotguns -120 sec · 2 Plasma Pistols -90 sec · 2 Concussion Rifles -60 sec · 2 Plasma Rifles -30 sec · 2 Sniper Rifles -120 sec · 2 Assault Rifle- 10 sec · 1 Sword – 120 sec · 1 Rocket Launcher -180 sec · Overshield -180 sec · Invisibility -180 sec · 2 Healthpacks -15 sec Pics: Video: Click Here for Video Thanks for checking out the map, this remake took myself and my friends a lot of time and effort. I hope everyone likes the map and Have fun! *Edit*: some parts of the map may seem a tad bit bigger than they should be because the yellow pads on the sides of the walls are not there and just some of the textures make it seem larger. We have measured everything out and almost everything is the same length.
Looks amazing. I'll be downloading it. You should try to see if you can add some of the ledges by training and green to stand on. I wasn't paying enough attention to see if you already had them, but if you don't it would be a good addition.
Twis7eD, I see your new. Before you get continue breaking our forum rules I'd suggest looking over this post by Jex Yoyo. Edit: This was a decently good remake. It's actually really good for the amount of time you built it in. Then again, you probably should have spent more time on it to get the proportions right. Both trainings were significantly larger than the should be, the invis and rockey halls were too long, and the sniper towers were off as well. Still, you did a pretty good job.
Skisma, did you even read that post yourself? In what way is saying 'you probably should have spent more time on it to get the proportions right' 'helpful to the map creator'? Gamefreak, this map is excellent, not many people would have bothered with some of the details. I appreciate that there is no mauler equivalent but feel a weapon in that position would be good, perhaps the magnum or AR. There are alternate locations for health stations, perhaps one in sword and one on each end of camo corridor? I think you could make the ramp up to sniper a walkway, or at least give it railings. I don't really like to suggest changes to such good maps but its the rules. If you want help trying to get the most out of the budget (to better seal the map) then I would not mind. GT=UN
Thanks for the great comments everyone, but as for the issues of size, things will seem bigger like the trainings because the yellow pads are not on the walls and some of the textures make it look larger but my friends and i went in and measured everything out exactly. The fusion coils in reach and H3 are the same size so we measured everything in those, if anyone wants some of our measurements to compare H3 and our map id be more than glad
If you look at someone through the scope of the sniper rifle, it'll tell you their distance in meters. Using that, here are a few measurements. Green Hall original: 24.93m remake: 31.81m Green Hall w/green boxes original: 44.96m remake: 45.80m Training original: 16.32 x 13.10m remake: 18.64 x 11.41m Back of one s1 to the other original: 94.5m remake: 95.10m The overall length of the map seems to be about fine; it's just those middle structures that are a little off. I hope that helps. That said, this is still a good remake. It captures the feel of The Pit well enough that I almost felt like I was in Halo 3 again.
I think it does, at least with these two games. A meter is more of a standard unit of measurement than fusion coil, not to mention more convenient. Considering how close some parts of the map were, it's likely that it translates perfectly fine, and he just mis-measured part of it.
Looks really good and accurate, I'm gonna go play it right now. My only suggestion is to add objectives for more gametypes such as Headhunter, Stockpile, Assault, etc.
Also, the player models in Reach are shorter I believe because they are SIIIs so that would make meters more inaccurate than fusion coils (I don't see why they would change the dimensions of fusion coils).
Wow this map has really come a long way. Now with the MLG settings officially released it will be nice to playtest it on this map. *Halo 3 memories..*
Assuming both the meters and fusion coils are the same as in Halo 3, then they would be just as accurate/inaccurate in relation to the spartan sizes. However, if one wanted to slightly scale everything down to match the new player models (which seems a bit unnecessary), the task would be much easier when using meters as a unit of measurement. Either way, it's irrelevant. The point was that some of the structures in the middle were not the right size, in meters or in proportion to the rest of the map. I was pointing that out in case our friend Gamefreak wanted to improve it.
nice work but proportions are way off you should probably try to lower your invis floor redesign green box maybe add some yellow padding and more color. other than that i've checked out alot of pit remake yours is definitely in the top ten but not first. find me on xbl if you want to check them out and compare.its just not right to say its a 1:1 remake when its not even close. very nice work though
The Rocket Hall looks a bit thin, I suggest widening it up a little bit. Also, depending on how much money you have left, add the a outward block to the walls. This being the yellow wall thing that comes out of walls that you can jump on. And past that, I would add a roof area, like the walkways in the original. Other than some size differences...I would give it an o.k.
Looks really good. There's just a few nitpicks I would consider. First, the column made out of sandbags I would change. It looks out of place. Also, I would recommend placing some sort of barrier near the edges of the base. You have a great view but it seems out of sync with the rest of the map and you lose the impression that you aren't floating in air. Other than that, looks great and loved the use of rocks in it.
Looks like a pretty good remake of The Pit. The sword room is a little too plain, though. Plus, you took away the epic window. Also, the ramps leading to the sword room are less wide than they are in H3. Lastly, the rocket hall is not very aesthetically pleasing. Other than that, it looks like a great remake with some good gameplay focus. It doesn't have much aesthetics so it BETTER be good on gameplay. Aesthetics: 6.5/10 Gameplay (judging by how it looks): 8/10 Accuracy: 7.5/10 Overall: 7.3/10