hogz to slaughter

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by aznhick, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. aznhick

    aznhick Forerunner

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    hey guys, new to the thread, but i love forge! anywhoot...
    this is my map. it took me 3 days of course plotting and a very frustrating 2 days to get kill walls to work. epic in size (69 checkpoints over all of forge world except the hangar), very technical (frustrating jumps, technical turns on bridges, etc...), and i spent all my money (roughly $750 was for aesthetics). i know it wont be wildly popular just because 10 mins would be close to the minimum time required to do a single lap, but i am very proud of it and think its fun. It's designed for worthogs only, because i love worthogs and it seems making a fun worthog course is way harder than a fun mongoose track. I made it so long because i always wanted a long race track on halo 3 but never was able to use forge to create one that met the standards in my head. lol. please check this out and msg me on xbl with comments and/or suggestions (as well as posting here obviously). If anyone would like to collaborate or offer suggestions feel free to send a friend request.

    I was asked how long the race is and after trying to get a perfect run a cpl times, this race ended after 1 lap with 32600 in the distance traveled column. my time was 9:34.
    sorry there's so many pics, using the natural terrain in conjunction with jumps made for a long course, but here's the rundown.

    start on the beach going to the cliffside and into the cave.

    exit the cave for a long couple jumps going eventually leading to the small cliff leading to the water in the distance.[​IMG]

    turn to go up the cliff path and take 1 of 2 paths over the kill ball, then go uphill towards big cave leading to paradiso island.

    go up the rocks to snag a checkpoint then back down toward big cave. good luck with the staggered fusion coil spawns.

    leave the tunnel and go through the rocks toward the jump, leading to the cave on the other side of the rock pile.

    tunnel has a portal leading to the top of the mountain. drive down following the path toward the ramp. turn right after landing and jump the small gap over the water, then go through blue tunnel cutting through the middle of the mountain.

    exit blue tunnel going right, a fork lead to 2 points, the shorter requiring a jump at decent speed to get. then keep going clockwise round the beach to another fork, the shorter path over the rocks is dangerous, the outer path is safe but longer.head towards the waterfall.

    take the loop around the rocks by water fall, looping back to jump the kill ball and land on the beach.

    Drive down the beach to a hvy lift taking you to the small plateau leading to another hvy lift landing you on the top of the plateau.

    hvy lift lands you under the rise, drive up and loop around the rock, serpentine around the plateau following the points, ending at the large jump over the gap taking you over the killball.

    land on the cliff, turn left to take U over the water, leading back in land to the high cliff.

    jump off the high cliff leading you to the platform, jumping to the low cliff on the far side, then take the crooked tower to take the broken steps.

    loop around the spiral tower on the ground, loop around the kill ball in the bunker construct, go up the spiral tower.
    take the hvy lift at the top of the spiral tower, going along the plateau to the hvy lifts launching over the main area to the high cliff again.

    go along the plateau to a safer path on the left leading up the ramp. or a riskier path along the right on the cliff edge and a risky path with fusion cores.

    take the bridge hill off the plateau leading to the satellite dish jump, then a series of uphills.

    the uphills lead to the question mark shaped platform, which jumps down to the cave in the middle of the cliff behind the glass paneling, go through the cave and follow the path right, going around the pentagon and under the walkway, leading you back out to midfield.

    cross the field, avoiding the kill ball, take the cliff to the walkway, jump into the dragon's mouth, leading to a series of uphills going up the cliff side.

    take the uphills to the top of the cliff, where there is a very tricky drop off leading you down the rock face to a long straight away. Jump into the grav lift assisted half loop, where you will be launched to a backboard leading into a covered serpentine area under the runway off the rock face.

    Follow the serpentine with sunken bank inclines of varying size and angle.
    you will exit 'triangle hell' facing the beach where you start. LAP COMPLETE!
    #1 aznhick, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  2. Eddy23

    Eddy23 Ancient
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    Just to let you know, no one is really going to download it unless you put some pictures of the map in your post. I'll download it once I see that it looks somewhat worthwhile to try.
  3. aznhick

    aznhick Forerunner

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    yeah, that was my first post and i immediately realized i needed those. so thanks for the tip but i was in the process when u said that...it just took a really long time to consolidate that map into 20 screenshots. lol. holla if you think it's worthwhile.
    #3 aznhick, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  4. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Okay, I downloaded. I never got pass the jump you have in the second picture. It is impossible to make. It was a cool concept but I think it was poorly built. Could you try a little harder next time?
  5. snapzilla

    snapzilla Ancient
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    I managed to get over the jump in the second picture after a few tries. You have to be going at full speed almost. If you die and spawn in, you actually have to back up. I could not, however, get over the third picture jump, where you have to go over a killball. It's too hard to get up enough speed on those diagonal pieces. The jumps are just too much, and the checkpoints force you to back up to get enough speed to clear them. Not cool bro.
  6. aznhick

    aznhick Forerunner

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    i know it's a hard track, but i had each jump/spawn tested at least 50 times before i posted just so ppl didn't chave to deal with the track being broken. everything worked properly and i spent 5 days on this track. so i'll go in and try some more but i dont think i can noob proof this thing much more. every jump is do able. this definitely isn't a track where you can just mash the gas. i have never had a problem nor have any of the testers had a problem spawning at the 3rd capture point and making the jump. and the ump over the kill ball mentioned you just have to take those turns slow toward the ramp and apply more gas on the approach. I did spend a verrry long time testing this track.
    'try a little harder' isn't a very appreciated comment as it's not constructive. it says i threw this together in 20 minutes. which was definitely not the case. i will go back and try to simplify the jumps mentioned tho. nothing is impossible on my track. it's just a hard track.
    #6 aznhick, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  7. Tw3ak

    Tw3ak Forerunner

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    impossible jumps?

    you guys are using a warthog and not a mongoose right? because at first i had the same problem until i completely read his post, its a warthog track, and all the jumps are perfect when using a warthog
  8. aznhick

    aznhick Forerunner

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    omg i didn't even think about that. thanks for pointing that out tweak. it's called 'hogz to slaughter' for a reason ppl! lol...thanks tweak.
  9. Volcom Guy992

    Volcom Guy992 Forerunner

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    I think I would love this map but me and 3 other friends cant make it over that stupid jump over the water. The one in the 8th picture. We are doing it with the mongoose and its impossible. We have tried getting tons of speed and everything it just doesn't work. So far thats the only part that needs fixing cause its impossible I swear.

    Also to those who said use warthogs, how do you get the warthogs to spawn in race mode? I tried getting them in there but they don't show up.
  10. THE Fuglystick

    THE Fuglystick Ancient
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    You have to change the actual game type settings, not the map content.
  11. Volcom Guy992

    Volcom Guy992 Forerunner

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    Wow this just made me feel like a complete idiot. Wow just wow. I am dumb lol. Thanks man.

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