"Saw" Puzzle/ Escape 3.0

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Hippie Gamer, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    When i finished my first puzzle i was really pleased with myself and proud of my work,but it was too hard for many people, then i made a second puzzle, it was too easy.
    When i made this map i went back to my element and made a great map IMO, including some ground breaking creations

    This map is harder than both combined!!!

    The name of the map is called "Saw" like the movie, the purpose of the game is to escape his trap! Just in time for Halloween! or should i say, Haloween!

    Warning: Game is hard, but 100% doable!

    MAP: SAW

    Gametype: Escape- You're a Victim

    little sneek-peek:
    [​IMG]Hello Spartan...I want to Play a game
    [​IMG]Do you dare follow the light?

    puzzle #1
    Puzzle #2
    #1 Hippie Gamer, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  2. bloodstained24

    bloodstained24 Ancient
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    ive played alot of the saw maps from halo 3 and they were really tough
    this one wasnt though unless i did something wrong all that was a challenge was that first landmine and then it was easy but i couldnt pick up the bomb is there something wrong or did i just go the wrong way
  3. Hippie Gamer

    Hippie Gamer Forerunner

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    ill fix that in a bit, BTW did you know there's 3 different ways to get to the end part? try out the other 2!!
    thanks for the feedback
  4. L337 PWN4GE

    L337 PWN4GE Ancient
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    I found that is was really confusing, because I couldnt tell if some areas were out of the map or not. I beat it in like 10 minutes, but I dont know if I did it right.

    Good puzzle maps in halo 3 were very clean, and straight forward. Maybe you should think about cleaning it up a bit for a V2. Also, it was more of a jump map of some sort than an escape map, since I never really needed to think for any of the obstacles. If you make a V2 be sure to add some puzzles too.
    #4 L337 PWN4GE, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010

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