Heres another map by me, spent nearly ALL of the budget (some can be taken out like the shield doors to rep base colors) so theres a lot of stuff on it. Just post with your initial thoughts, to much? to little? spawns suck / weapon placement suck? I take most criticism well and build from it. I really wish I had had the pieces to cover it up so its not open to the sky, but I ran out of almost everything except inclines. Red, Blue, Yellow and Green bases. The yellow base is actually made of 'orange' color pieces only because actual yellow looks green to me but its 'yellow' initial spawns and light. I used shield doors to indicate red and blue because we are limited to only 2 lights for some reason in Forge World... This map is fairly large but should give off some good fights with Rockets bottom mid and OS top mid (probably replace with camo once the glitch is fixed). I havent had the chance to get a good 4v4 to test the spawns and basics of the map flow. With kids and lack of friends that actually like Halo its hard to get a solid 4v4. Set a seperate file share for 4 teams. (Here) Gametypes: Team spawn areas are only set up for 2 team atm, ill have another link for 4 teams soon if people actually want to try that. Team Slayer King of the Hill (altho still glitched with sequence) Capture the Flag Oddball Headhunter Territories Neutral Assault Weapons / Equipment: All MLG v1 setting timers. OS is 120 secs 8 DMRs 4 Magnums 2 Needle Rifles 2 Snipers 1 Rocket Launcher 6 Health Packs 2 Jet Packs 12 Plasma Grenades 8 Frag Grenades 1 Over Shield Sky View Top mid Blue 2 looking arcross to Red Blue 1 looking across to red and bottom mid
Updated to v1.1 -Fixed Kill Zone area issue under the map. -Added some spawns in middle for non base-to-base game types. Also added a link to the 4 team spawning version if people are interested in that as well since it is a 4 team symmetrical map. (Here).