The multiplayer map "Library" from the classic N64 game "Goldeneye" is now complete! One of the side rooms. Running around into the back passage way. Same room as above. View from the top level. The center room. Every part of the map leads here. Notice the prize placed graciously in the middle? It spawns every 2 minutes. Make it count. Watch out for lookouts in this small balcony. They might end what you believe to be your sneakiest incursion yet! View from the balcony. Let me know what you guys think!
Jeebs is right, this is "Stack". Library included the "Basement" level. Other than that, great remake. Too bad there isn't a way to do the sliding hidden doors in Reach.
I tried remaking and Temple Stack. Messed up the end a little. Its tough to make fully enclosed map without them looking a little weird or running out of building blocks.