Do you guys no what map creation software they might of used or any software i could download and how i might be able to import into halo reach without connecting it to my comp, or how to connect it to my comp and transfer it?
. wut? Do you mean you want to be able to edit map geometry and import it into reach? Because that's impossible. Bungie uses a modified version of 3DSMax, though. The only way to acquire it would be to literally take it off of one of their computers and put it on yours. Simply put, never gonna happen.
Modding's bad mmkaayyyyy. lol I had high hopes that that reach's forge would have been a litttttle different, although I do love it, I had imagined people being able to make their own 3D models, upload them to some sort of marketplace where others could download and put in forge world. I also think bungie would have a jizz fest on their hands if they released a map editor lol, even built in. But alas, reach is epic, and we should be happy with what we have!
Bungie has their own map authoring tool. Why would they use 3DS max ¬.¬ You can edit the hex for maps with some modding utilities, but you need the hardware (cable) to do that. I wont go into further detail. Other than that. You cannot edit maps from your PC.