Yeah its real simple. you dont even need to touch the floor. What you do is save and quit an object, i used the watchtower base, against the cliff in a straight verticle point. Then save and quit a double box because it fits flush against it, as level as you can. Once you have your box as even as possible you can build everthing off that by using S & Q or just building on top of it. Always work off your level objects that are already placed and never work off the floor
Yeah the origianl plan was to have the two bases on either side of the map but i would only have been able to build the hanger and flag room for each base. I wanted to make bases so i thought this would play and look better than my other idea
At least this one isn't just one of the already cliche ice cave maps, you actually did a great job on constructing a nice playable air base. I really likd the landing pad type area for the banshee.
Downloaded it already , love the banshee landing pad it looks great. are the hornet and banshee land pads swapped around so they can land easier in each others bases?
Pads No actually i made the hanger specifically for the hornet, the banshee pad has room for both. all the pads can fit a flying vechile though its a bit annoying when the hornet gets stuck at the top of the hanger
For as good as this map looks, you might want to put some more time in on the thread, the thread kinda just shows your dedication to it and makes your map more appealing if you pull it off well.
Nicely made map dude 5/5 I like the room with the hornet and the outside of the ship. Its Assemble time men in the Purple Reign.