As many of you may already know, in Reach if a player is set to zero damage the no longer has the ability to splatter people. In halo 3 there were huge amount of gametypes based solely on splattering and in my opinion they were among the funnest. So does anyone know if its possible for bungie to change this with an update or is it far too late?
I've noticed this too, it bugs me a bit because it complicates a minigame I'm making with a friend. The best option is to just raise the damage to a minimal amount and have a no shooting honor rule for now... not too sure if Bungie can/will fix this.
Its never too late to tweak the gameplay mechanics. I remember in Halo 2 when they tweaked the range of the sniper. You used to be able to snipe people from one end of Coag to the other, then they fixed it so that a certain range is needed in order to kill him.