Sandbar places players on a fortified beach area, where Elites must advance up the beach, capture two bases, and finally take the core to the safety of their captured second base. Spartans will have increasingly stronger fortifications (sniper rifles, Shade emplacements, tanks, the works) which they must use to push the Elite forces back into the shores. Phase I Elites will enter a small base, and emerge at an 'L'-shaped turn which takes them into the carnage. Spartans must pin the Elites down in the rock formations ahead. They will be able to make use of a sniper tower (with no sniper weapon until phase II, which become the Elite base after its capture in Phase I) and offer DMR support from afar. Also aiding the Spartans here is a machine gun turret, fixed at a cave that the Elites will use to attack. This is the Spartan's initial spawn area. Aiding them here is a large sniper tower (provided you are the team who can spawn in it), with a DMR nestled inside. Phase II At this point, Elites will be issued a Ghost and a Revenant. Spartans will counter with a Chain Warthog. The Spartans also have use of the Shade turret on top of the base, as well as the mobile machine gun turret on the sand. While the objective by the pillar offers quick access to success, it's harder to secure and defend. The dish capture point is harder to reach, but is easier to defend. Take note, that applies for both teams. Phase III Nestled in the back base in the cave is the Core that the Elites must capture, and return to the phase II base which they just secured. The Spartans are losing ground here, and don't have much left to work with. They'll have to make good use of their heavy weapons, clifside spawn areas fortified with a Shade, vehicles, and small bunker emplacements. And that concludes this preview, have fun with this one!
Looks cool. The symmetry is pretty good and it looks like it has seamless gameplay because it's pretty basic, but isn't it too basic? Maybe add more bases and add details and aesthetics, because it looks like you still have plenty of budget left.
Yeah, I only ended up using about 3000 of my budget. I do feel like the ending is particularly dull. I'm thinking maybe add another rock formation at the last stretch to the flag. Edit: I used up, it turns out, around 7,000 of my budget. I've added some things here and there (at one point a short, experimental bridge that places players in underwater combat). Sandbar V3a Download