Ok well I'm going to give a brief background story before I actually state my problem. If you want to read it's cool, but it's not really related to my problem. So if you want just skip down to the problem. Background Story: Ok so back when Halo 3 was at its peak, my friend joined the infamous clan, KSI. He was very happy to be in that clan because it as very prestigous and whatnot, and eventually was place in this group know as Headhunters. He was placed with a few other individuals, until one of them decided to quit for unknown reasons. Anyways, my friend was given the task of recruiting a replacement for the guy who quit. That is where I came in. Whatever I was in KSI for a bit, attended the meetings, and recruited some members. After a while KSI got really lame (no insult intended for anyone who's in KSI) so I quit. Shortly after, my other friend, whom I recruited, and I decided to have a BS meeting just to f*ck around. We used KSI's meeting room, or whatever it was called, to have our BS meetings. After a while though, I got really tired of playing around in that badly forged map so I decided to make my own. Blah, blah, blah I made it really cool blah blah blah it was awesome. After it was finished, the map was called BS Meeting Hall and it had it's own jail, ranks, and gametype. It was pretty cool. So time flies and Halo: Reach finally arrives. The first thing that I decide to do is remake my BS Meeting Hall, except bigger and better. I even made a big-ass bridge with a gate that requires for me to open. The way that I was going to do it was that I would make a switch, consisting of a ghost, a fusion coil, and some land mines. So Here's my problem: The way that my switch was supposed to work, is that I flip the ghost, which knocks down a fusion coil, and forces another one to spawn in mid-air, and fall ontop of the tripmines, which are blocking the path. The thing is though, I can't get the setting to work because no matter how hard I try, I can't make the map have one, and only one fusion coil. It's always either at least two, or not at all. So does anyone know a way for me to fix it, so that I make and effective switch to open the gate? If you don't have answer at least put that you don't ^_^. Thanks in advance.
I'm really confused. You want to destroy one fusion coil so that it spawns another one, correct? Wouldn't that in itself require two fusion coils?
I think he's talking about making only one spawn at a time. Is it possible that the one you just destroyed is spawning instead of the one that destroys the mines? Or could you make the fusion coil fall on a series of man cannons that shoots it onto the bridge?
Well, try the old trick of have the run time minimum set to one, while the max is two. That should cause the one that is not spawned to spawn once the other is destroyed. However, it will spawn after a certain number of seconds just because it has to.
This is just an idea, and it probably wont work but if you set the run time min to 1 and max to 2 as previously mentioned one of those fusion coils should spawn. And to make sure that its the right one but I think its the spawn order or something like that -1 on the second fusion coil. That way when the first coil is destroyed the second one will respawn because its spawn order is less then the first one. Hope this makes sense and helps
Actually, in Reach you can set the Maximum to be LOWER than the Minimum. What you wanna do is this: 1. The Fusion Coil that will be destroyed: -Object Options > Respawn Rate = Never -Object Options > Advanced > Spawn at Start = TRUE 2. The one that spawns: -Object Options > Respawn Rate = Whatever -Object Options > Advanced > Spawn at Start = FALSE 3. Then on any fusion coil: -Object Options > Advanced > Runtime Min = 1 Max = 1 I have not tested this, but should work.
I never thought about that. That's going to have be my last resort because I can't get the settings to work. Thanks a lot for the excellent suggestion. I tried but the run-time maximum keeps resetting back to a number around 10. By that I mean is that I set it to 2, back out, then go back to see if it stayed at 2, only to find out that its like at 10. That makes sense because I always set the first one first in the spawn order I figured that one should be there first, but I that it is meant for respawning right? Does that make sense? Added after 7 Days 9 Hours: I would like to thank you very much. I actually had to move the whole map to make this possible, but it worked out great at the end. Hopefully this helps out other people in the future as well.