...with this game variant" DISCLAIMER: This is my very first post on this site so please don't go hard on me k thx. I have a problem with an Infection map I am constructing, and I could really need some help on this. It says (read title) whenever I try to start up a game of infection on said map. I started constructing it on a blank Forgeworld, and I have placed out spawn/respawn points for both the red and blue teams. I have changed the option under "advanced" to Infection on all spawn/respawn points. What am I doing wrong? UPDATE: I have made a safe_haven and at least I can load the gametype, but everytime I spawn in customgames I automatically die? What now?
Try changing the game type to infection before starting forge then replace spawns. NOTE I'm steel figuring out customs as well but it mite work.
Also make the spawns labeled "inf_spawn" red=humans, and blue=infected. Make sure a safe zone is around the entire playing space also.
Crucial: Blue team is infected. Red team is human. Need safe haven. Need safe zone. Elaborate more on how your spawns are setup please, so we can offer help.
Thanks for all the help guys and gals, it works like a charm now. I'm beginning to dig this community, hmmm maybe I'll stay... *strokes non-existant beard*
im getting the same error only when i try to play invasion slayer though, wat are the requirements for an invasion map, i cant seem to find the answer any where (inb4 read the sticky) i have placed my safe zones, and 3 hill markers with the label inv_slayer, and added a spawn sequence to them any help would be awesome <3
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/105195-required-forge-objects-guide.html this is the sticky, all i know about it. if you have already read it, than i dont know what to say.
yup read that, i think its the exact same as the bungie forums sticky, im so confused, i spent 10 hours making an invasion themed map and i cant get it to play QQ