Brute Chieftain Created by xSoGx Grim Recommended Players: 1 "Maps, that's what they're called, but aren't they more than that? Yes, forge creations are truly works of art, and each is worth its thousand words."-What's A Scope?Sounds familiar, correct? Well, somehow that crazy SoG character did it again, and by 'it,' I mean get a feature worthy map to come out of his head and onto a forge canvas! Not to mention, he did it so darn fast! I’m trying to remember his name, I think it is something like stern, or dismal, or foreboding… Or grim! That’s right, silly me, I should have learned by now. I mean, it was like yesterday that he got the feature that slingshot him into Halo: 3’s famous archives! Now, he turns around and marks the release of Halo: Reach with a fearsome monument that shall continue to lord over the wonderful canvas for years to come. Standing high above the island, the stunningly massive display of aesthetic prowess demonstrates Grim's unique ability to utilize pieces in the most original ways. As if it wasn’t enough to create a behemoth of a Brute that towers above the horizon and dominates the view from every place on the map, he had to create an equally large Gravity Hammer to go with it. So large is the weapon, it doesn’t even fit within the elastic barriers that keep you from venturing too high on Forgeworld. Not only is this thing big, it is scarily accurate to boot. Download Brute Chieftain You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
Wow. How did I miss this one. First feature! Congrats! You hold a very noble title! EDIT: just so it isn't too off topic, the map itself looks really good. I will check out the original thread for downloads and more legitimate feedback. Congrats once again, it deserves it.
congrats on the first reach feature, and being featured on the bungie weekly update. hopping to download tomorrow when I get reach
When i saw it i just could not believe my eyes, were they lying to me. But you just did it again and again, 2 features in a row and your going to get your 3rd without a problem. When i look at this map i just can't think on how the hell you did that. I have even downloaded it and you can even go into his mouth to the back of his throat.
Honestly, i think he looks a little too badass for my liking... I mean, brutes were like a joke in this game
dude, you need to make an engeneer map next. I thought your other maps were insane. The shere size of the this map is ridiculous, I especially love the detail on that hammer head and and the upper body, you really got close to that cost limit though nice job as always!
I was expecting to be disappointed/mildly disgusted with whatever got chosen as the first feature of Reach. I was wrong. This is amazing.
Now, as cool as this looks/is... I would have much rather see a comp' map featured first. But, I guess that's just me. Pretty cool brute, bro.
Saw this feature (and the brute) from a mile away, congratz grim, I'm very curious as to what your next aesthetic venture will bring about.
Lol, I saw this being featured before I came on FH today and before I saw the FH post. I went on and saw a screenshot of a giant Chieftain, and after hearing you wanted to make a Chieftain in Reach I'm like 'Omg Grim's gonna get the first feature!' and I log in and I was right. Awesome. I'e barely found my way 'round the controls and you're building GIANT CHIEFTAINS ON AN ISLAND?! :O
The angle of the hammer looks like he's jerkin' his gerkin'. that aside, I haven't seen something of this scale of awesome since Felipe Dos made 8 emerald legs.
Can't complain with this at all. It works perfectly actually. Were a competitive map featured first everyone would complain how another one was better. In my opinion, this is the best looking aesthetic map at the moment and it's damn hard to argue against that. First featured Halo Reach map is a huge honor, congratulations xSoGx Grim.
I KNEW this would be the first featured Reach map. Its just so beautiful, so accurate, so detailed... the only part I dislike is the way he's holding the hammer. It just looks awkward. But, other than that, this map is absolutely incredible. Feature worthy? Hell to the ****ing yes.
That is AWESOME, best statue map ive seen so far. But um from my angle.... that is his um hammer in his hands..... right?