
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SH1FTY, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    • Swapped sniper and sword spawn locations
    • Reforged 4th floor bridge to allow ramps to smoothly phase with 3rd floor (No more getting stuck on the edge!)
    • Fixed FFA Initial loadout camera
    • Added support for Crazy King and 1-Bomb Assault
    • Added lighting effects
    • Changed sniper to drop-spawn to match rockets
    Also added an MLG version of the map:

    • Jetpack located at bottom middle
    • Changed sword to plasma pistol (120s Spawn)
    Map Versions:

    Thanks a heap to everyone who posted, everything that was suggested was tried out, and worked in if we found that it was an improvement.

    Map Description

    Taking it's inspiration from fan favourite maps such as Construct, this spacious, multi-level arena is perfectly suited to coordinated team play, while maintaining the flow and layout needed for fast-paced free for all action.


    While designed with Slayer-style matches in mind, Atrium performs brilliantly on objective based game-types, most notably 1-Flag CTF, Oddball and Headhunter. The map has been built with armor abilities in mind, with Sprint, Jetpack and Hologram proving the most effective in the map environment.


    Aesthetically, the map is top notch. Utmost care was taken in choosing the ideal location for the map, and the surrounding vista is shown off whenever available. The map construction is meticulous, we dislike playing on poorly built, uneven maps as much as anyone, so utmost care was taken in ensuring that the map plays as smoothly as possible.


    Weapons on the map:

    Needle Rifles: 4 (30s Spawn)
    DMR: 6 (30s Spawn)
    Sniper Rifle: 1 (2 Min Spawn)
    Sword: 1 (2 Min Spawn)
    Rocket Launcher: 1 (3 Min Spawn)
    Plasma Grenade: 6 (45s Spawn)
    Fragmentation Grenade: 6 (45s Spawn)

    The map still requires some thorough play-testing, mostly in the objective based gametypes, but also in Team Slayer, so we'd really appreciate any feedback based on experiences garnered through playing the map. The map is definitely close to finished, but it won't be until we (or anyone playing the map) find absolutely no problems with it.

    First Forge Hub posted map for the forger! So constructive criticism is appreciated =P.

    Forgeing: SHIFTY time
    Contributors: Entropy NZ
    #1 SH1FTY, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
  2. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
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    This looks like Sword base, but more cat walks o_O
  3. IamZD

    IamZD Forerunner

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    Love the look of this map, especially your use of windows as a ceiling. I'll check it out!
  4. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    Who doesn't love sky lights?
  5. IamZD

    IamZD Forerunner

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    Zombies, I suppose. :p
  6. Mabolsa Ritchie

    Mabolsa Ritchie Forerunner
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    looks really well thought about, the whole thing looks how i would prefer sword base to be. Plenty of crossing catwalks. Platforms, ledges and rocks to land and jump on. Deffinatly a DL from me.
  7. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the support guys.
    Also does anyone have any suggestions?
    #7 SH1FTY, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, to be a true atrium it should be open ceiling and have a slightly lower region that catches rain-water in the center... which is what I planned to call my map that has that as a centerpiece, but oh well, I can think up a new name. other than that, it looks fairly good. although the rocks holding the one bridge up don't exactly look like they really belong in that type of environment.
  9. Moothanasia

    Moothanasia Forerunner

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    Not sure where you got that from, an Atrium in architecture is a large, open space within a building, usually with a glazed roof and usually positioned right next to the entrance doors. Atria are popular because of the feeling of light and space that they offer, as well as the ability for the architect to design the atria as a centerpiece for the rest of the building, allowing him or her to create a positive initial impression to anyone entering the structure.

    Anyway, downloaded the map. Can quite honestly say that it plays better than any map that shipped with reach (feels a bit like Countdown, but looks a whole lot better, and doesn't have nearly as many places to get stuck on. Also, isn't as unforgiving cover wise if you get caught in the open under DMR fire.)

    Actually my new favorite map, if I'm honest.

    Also, the stones in the center work brilliantly. The screenshots don't show it as well as they could, but it feels like (from an architectural standpoint) they've a part of the map that the rest has been built around, rather than being placed there as an afterthought. As for not fitting in with the rest, with the pellet of items in forge still being limited to a single style, there's nothing changeable about the contrast of the rocks and the metallic tiles. That said, I actually think they work well here.

    Essential download. Brilliant work (feature worthy?).
  10. IamZD

    IamZD Forerunner

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    Played a FFA 4p match on this last night, worked *brilliantly*!! I promptly grabbed the sword and camped out on one of the corner staircases and racked up a killing frenzy in no time! :)

    Love this map, will continue to play on it. Nice job!!

    The only thing I can think of is whenever we started the game our loadout camera was not in the map...if I remember correctly, it was somewhere else out in Forge World. Perhaps you are missing a neutral loadout camera object on the map? (We were playing FFA.)
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you got your information from Wikipedia you are mistaken, they are more commonplace in office buildings, and some more modern atria have glazed glass ceilings, but almost all have the pool in the center, I have yet to see an atrium without one. In older times the open roofed atrium was the only kind, with society becoming more sophisticated the glazed roof provides more protection from the elements, but in tradition with the old atria the pool stays and instead just has fresh water put in it.

    my point is that an atrium without a pool or water feature isn't a real atrium.

    Sorry for dragging this off topic.
  12. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I have come across this issue also playing FFA. I will fix it soon.
    #12 SH1FTY, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2010
  13. Ellipsis NZ

    Ellipsis NZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome looking map, great for game play also. As for the atrium debate every atrium i have seen has been closed roof.

    It would be great if they featured this map as its well worth it.
  14. II The Sheev II

    II The Sheev II Forerunner

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    Alright, before I say anything about the map, my most favorite part is the glass corner that shows the waterfall. Very beautiful and amazing. I've always wanted to incorporate a view of the waterfall in one of my maps, but I couldn't think of a way how. I may steal that idea from you if I make another indoor map. ;)

    Now, my thoughts on the map overall. The structural layout is very nice, and clean. The use of cover is very important, and the pieces you have currently seem to work well. (The small FFA I did with my roommates was very fun because it wasn't as safe as the map I've been making. I should really get back to that...) There is one thing I would change when it comes to the layout. Its not really game changing, but for me, its annoying. The ramps on the 3rd floor that goto the 4th floor you should move a couple notches over on the X plane so they're flush with the railing. I found a few people getting stuck on those while cross map/multilevel shooting. Although, I went to edit myself in forge, I noticed that its kinda hard to get it flush, and still have the pieces match correctly, so I wouldn't worry about it too much, since it seems to be something that players will have to avoid.

    Weapon placement: There is only one thing I don't like about weapon placement, and thats the Sniper Rifle. It just seems too close to Red team during Team Slayer, and I don't like that Red spawns on it in CTF. While Its justified by Blue Team spawning on F3 with easy Jetpack/Sprint Jump(I think) to Rockets, it just doesn't seem like the right spot to put a sniper.

    Overall, I do like this map, and its definitely one that will be in my custom match cycles, a few tweaks would give it a 10/10 on my scale. I do look forward to any updated versions, as well as other maps you may design. :)

    As for the Off Topic Atria Argument, There are countless buildings with Atria. Many Office Buildings, Hotels, and even houses have an Atrium. While center place pools are common within these categories, based on personal experience, I've only seen atria with pools in large business buildings/HQ's and High/Moderately high class hotels. Many of the small businesses, office buildings, and hotels I've been in are not wealthy enough to have and maintain a pool, some did however have center piece garden(s), which looked amazing.
  15. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    Thank-you very much for the feed back, I truly do appreciate it. In the next version of this map I am swapping the sniper spawn with the sword spawn (plasma pistol if playing slayer pro). Hopefully this fixes some issues with evening out the weapon placements of the initial spawn.
  16. Highlaw

    Highlaw Forerunner

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    Lovely map!

    I would remove all the railings though (except the bridges), they give too much height advantage - it's too easy to snipe someone down below while just showing your head, and then hide. If you remove them it will be easier to fight back from below and to throw grenades up there too.

    Love the windows ;-)

    PS: You should add some lights is you have $$ left
  17. Entropy NZ

    Entropy NZ Ancient
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    Version 2.0 is now up!! The changes list can be found on the first post.

    We tried to take into account everything that had been said, and implemented anything that we thought benefited the map.

    Couple of notes for anyone playing the map:

    Firstly, we do have support for stockpile, however, when it's launched, only 4 of the flags show up, rather than the full 7. If anyone could figure out what's causing this, it'd be a huge help.

    Second, the Jetpack in the MLG variant hasn't been tested in a full MLG rules 4v4 yet. With the map's design, it's quite possible that the jetpack user will be cut to ribbons by team-shot as soon as he/she takes off. If this is the case, we may need to swap out the jetpack for another MLG approved armor ability.

    Aside from that, enjoy the map, be sure to keep suggestions for any possible improvements coming, and if you think that the map is good enough, maybe even vote us for a feature =P
  18. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
    Senior Member

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    Still testing the jet-pack bottom mid in Mlg version, thinking about maybe changing it out for another AA if it is not working well.
  19. Moothanasia

    Moothanasia Forerunner

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    Tried out v2. Not a lot had changed, but the stuff that has is very well done. The weapons work a lot better with the new spawns, you don't have to slug to the top of the level any more once you pick up the sniper.
  20. Hypertion

    Hypertion Forerunner

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    Despite a few visual parts that are sightly haphazard due to inherant limitations to forge this map is quite captavating visually. id love to see you add Infection to this map and maybe some Stockpile just for added Varity.

    i can see a zombies game with each vista as a safe haven and the absent minded human getting destracted long enough that the haven changes and he get infected.

    this map would also support Territories VERY well for smaller teams and id like to see that added as well.

    over all i would on a scale of 1-10 rate this map high with a 7 for the beautiful structure and general gameplay but sight lack of gameplay potential. Looking forward to you easly boosting that to 8 or even 9 with just minor ajustments.

    id rate my own maps about the same, maybe less due to lack of astetics but large support for many gametypes. so you are def a great forger imo.

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