Remake Angel (Guardian) v1

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by nitrotomato, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Guardian was my favourite Halo 3 map, hands down. For me that was a map that could be played again and again and again, even if it's combat was a tad simplistic and repetitive.

    So I present to you now what I consider to be a fairly accurate remake of Guardian, which is quite different to the other remakes.

    I have seen a lot of Guardian remakes on Forge World, and lots of them are crappy and some of them are good, but in my opinion, this is one of the best. It's the best one I've seen...anyway :D.

    I tried to preserve as many of the lines of sight and structures/aesthetics as I could in this remake, though I took some liberties with designing the Green area. This is where my remake differs strongly from most of the other Guardian remakes I've seen. Instead of making Green out of blocks I used part of Montana to create a natural green. While it's far from 100% accurate in terms of layout it looks great and plays almost identically, and I think for the budget/FPS saving and the aesthetic appeal, it was worth it.

    I also replaced the Mauler spawn in the Blue Room (as there is no longer a Mauler), with a Focus Rifle on 180 second respawn. It is pretty effective on this map.

    Most of the jumps you could do on Guardian are present here, though some of them may be different to how you remember. Because of Reach's lower jump height the only acceptable way to make the jumps the same would have been to decrease the vertical scale of the map, which I didn't want to do. So my compromises were to add platforms as an intermediate jump, I hope you're as happy with the solution as I was.

    This is just a V1, and is only setup for Regular FFA / Team slayer at the moment. When/if I receive feedback I will work on a v2 which will be compatible with everything with any fixes/improvements that have been suggested that I agree with. Download, and please leave comments! I also included with this map the gametype Fiesta Slayer, an old favourite from Halo 2 which plays wonderfully in Reach, particularly on this map. Give it a try!

    Thanks for your time!


    Elbow + Green

    Overview 2

    Blue to Yellow Lift jump

    View from bottom of Sniper tower to Gold
    #1 nitrotomato, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
  2. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    I've had a look around in forge (haven't played any customs on it) and I it's not very aesthetically pleasing. Looks quite messy really. You LoSs look pretty good though. The aesthetics really let the map down. You should get rid of that big gap at the top of gold room and you should put walls around the spawns near the shotgun. In the original that place was indoors but in your re-make their outdoors for some odd reason. Doesn't look good IMO. Anyway, you did a better job than I did. I tried re-making this map and I have to tell you it's gawd dang hard and I just gave up :[
  3. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, the Gold area could stand a bit of tidying up actually, I'll get that done for a V2 sometime. I'm not sure what big gap you're talking about though. It was also a conscious choice to leave the walls and make it outdoors by the shotgun spawns. I thought the backdrop of the whole of Forge World looked pretty sweet there, as most maps of this kind tend to be built out at sea with not much of a view. I'll wait to see what others say before I address that, but I will tidy some stuff up.

    Added after 5 Days 2 Hours:

    I've updated to V2, with Gold being forged a lot neater. Still waiting for moar feedback to determine whether or not to close off Shotgun spawn area.
    #3 nitrotomato, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010

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