This map is nearing it's completion, and is in need of beta test and feedback. Download the Alpha Version 3! General Overview of Blue Base This is a map i had been wanting to attempt since i purchased reached and noticed all the rediculous Beaver Creek remakes. So far, I havn't seen anything taken in the right direction, and Reach's vast array of gameplay mechanics aren't very friendly towards such a small map anymore. With all that in mind i set out to create a reimagining of Beaver Creek to offer some new tactics and gameplay that focuses around jetpacks and sprint abilities. General Overview of Red Base The Bases are a throw back to the classic beaver creek style. Blocky, slightly interesting, a means of traveling to the roof and a teleporter across the map out back. However the biggest difference would be the lack of underground path leading somewhere out towards the middle of the map, as well as the left courtyard. This has been replaced with one tunnel that burrows out nearer the middle, in an attempt to give the flag carrier a chance to sneak in and out and cover some ground, should he decide not to use the front door or the teleporter out back. Snipers, Plasma Pistols and Grenades can be found inside the base. Collasped Bridge Showcases Rocket Spawn As you can see, the map is generally larger. In fact, it's just big enough to give either team a mongoose. It takes place across the part of Forge World known as "Montana," and featuers similar weapon spawns and tactics as the original Beaver Creek. However some paths have been reworked, and heights have all been elevated. Rockets still spawn across the middle, though this time ontop of the center piece of the map, a collasped forrunner bridge. The idea was that something UNSC crashed into the thing and caused it to fall, explaining the various weapons and crates strewed about, full of frag grenades and precision weapons. Showing Off Some Classic Assymetrical Symmetry! The general geometry of the map is complete, however still requires testing and is subject to change. Red side (left) features a closed structure leading up to they're potential sniping spots with a grav lift, and Blue (Right) features a manconnon vent jutting from the ground to shoot them to there own sniper spot. Blue seems to have an advantage with it's general sniping ability and closed in base, however red is higher on the hill, as wel features ever so slightly easier access to the rockets in the middle. I'm very interested to see how this plays out. Now, enough of the post, time for more pictures! Spoiler
This is looking epic man. I love that collapsed bridge. If you need help play testing, send me a message on XBL. I'd love to test this map out. My gamer tag is Afro Banzai.
I've been tracking down all the remakes that actually try to do something creative with older maps and make them actually work for Reach, so I'm definitely interested in seeing how this one turns out. Those man cannon vents look very solid. First thing that really caught my eye. As you said, it's a work in progress, so if you need help with testing, I'll be around. Overall, I'm just glad to see more maps in the Montana / Alaska sections (The plateaus) because they're very, very cool for making those fun '6 to 12 player' sized maps.
yeah im not gunna lie all the beaver creek remakes have seen are terrible this one is very eyecatchin and i look forward to plating it my gamertag is LeonVIII send me a friend request when u people r going to test it
I've completely redone the tunnels and started makin bases more similar to the old beaver creek. In order to fit them though, i need to push the edges of the map further xD. I'll be sure to send ya an invite, thanks for the offer! Ya, theres alot of things you can do with all those little spaces and crevices. I'll have to see what i can turn out with Alaska, I havn't given it a run around yet. What do you mean "u people"
This thread has been edited to showcase the newest version and download link of Collapse! Please provide whatever feedback you can =D Added after 1 Day 5 Hours: The Downloads been updated once more. I've added more precision weapons such as needle Rifles and DMR's, and made the map compatible with all game modes, save for Invasion and Race. Slayer has also received all of it's own spawn points now. Added after 14 Hours 41 minutes: Version 3 has been uploaded. It features tweaked weapon respawn times for snipers and rockets, vehicle enabled teleporters, and a slew of weapon spawn fixes. You can pick up your DMR's now! (don't know what that was all about )