Remake Mockout

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MrCheesy, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    (last updated 3/4/11)

    Mockout, as you've probably guessed by now, is a re-make of Lockout. This is the updated version (long overdue :/). You can click on the spoiler at the end of this post to see what the old version looked like.

    So, what's new?!
    Mockout features:

    * All jumps! They're even performed the same way as in Halo 2!
    * Accurate sight lines!
    * Accurate player spawn points (killed myself over 200 times in Halo 2 get all of 'em)!
    Accurate objective placements!
    Accurate weapon placement with their respective spawn times!
    * Accurate scale and geometry!
    Grav-lift that takes you up slowly!


    However, you can't do the jumps without using a "classic gametype". A classic gametype is a gametype where base player traits have been changed so that players have 120% speed, 125% jump and 150% gravity. These settings are designed to make Reach feel as if you were moving about in Halo 2. They're also the movement traits for the classic playlist coming out. I've linked you to a classic slayer gametype made by FS xKratosx and his group. Just click on the custom gametype link.

    I've built the map requiring these settings because scaling it down to fit Reach results in the map not feeling like Lockout. It ends up being too cramped and the jumps are obvious and impossible to fail at thanks to the "helping" blocks. It just doesn't work. So, I've built Mockout to the original's scale. As a result, Mockout requires classic settings if you want to perform the jumps.

    The map's been "optimized". There's no z-fighting and no lag if you're not playing split-screen. Though, it is still possible to play split-screen, it works quite well actually. The only place screen-lag is visible during split-screen is when both players are looking across the map. Unfortunately, because of this optimization the glass at top-mid is gone. Sorry all you glass lovers!

    Weapons list:

    Needler x2
    Plasma Pistol
    Sniper Rifle
    Energy Sword
    DMR x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Assault Rifle
    Frag Grenade x4
    Plasma Grenade x6

    Powerups on map:

    Pictures: (Pictures are slightly dated as of 3/4/11)

    BR Tower



    Under Glass

    Top Lift


    Bottom Lift

    Sniper Spawn

    P.o.V. comparisons (keep in mind, Reach has a greater field of view than Halo 2)












    If you wanna see more download the map! Enjoy!


    Click on the spoiler to see what Mockout used to look like!
    Warning! This was one of my first maps in forge, so this older Mockout is quite 'bad'. View at your own risk.
    I know how much you guys love Lockout re-makes so I've made my own :p
    I had Halo 2's Lockout running whilst making this to get it as accurate as I can possibly make it. Specifically paid attention to line of sights. Killed myself one to many times in Halo 2 to get identical spawns (if I've missed some let me know) and weapon placement is the same (I've changed the SMG to an Assault Rifle and the BRs to DMRs though). I've only set it up for slayer at the moment becuase I'm lazy and if no one likes my re-make than there really isn't much point in me doing so as I only play slayer. If anyone does want me to do it though just let me know and I'll do it. Haven't really been able to test this map as non of my friends have been wanting to do customs recently -_-
    Last thing, the map has been scaled down to accommodate for Reach's walk speed and jump height.
    Oh, almost forgot, I ran out of money and rail pieces so I didn't actually manage to rail all the walkways (I opted to not use bridge pieces because I felt they were to wide). Sorry 'bout that >_<

    Weapons on map:

    Needler x2
    Plasma Pistol
    Sniper Rifle
    Energy Sword
    DMR x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Assault Rifle
    Frag Grenade x5
    Plasma Grenade x9

    Powerups on map:


    Pictures of the map:

    Look familiar?

    Sniper tower.

    Shotgun room.

    Grav-lift room.

    Top of grav-lift room.


    Don't know what this place is called but as I ran out of railing pieces I've had to bring the rocks closer than in Halo 2's Lockout to make a wall for the walkways. It was that or have people accidentally walking off all the time :S

    Trying to keep LoSs as accurate as I can.

    Again, don't know what this place is called. I just call it "top".

    Three grenades? No way!

    And there you have it folks. If only one person likes this re-make then I'll be happy :]
    #1 MrCheesy, Sep 24, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2011
  2. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like your remake. Someone had to do it :)

    Looks very well done. I hadnt even though about what a pain it would be to replicate H2 spawns, so good for you! What is with the 3 plasma nades though?
  3. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    I am officially happy :D

    The three nades are there because they're there in Halo 2's Lockout. Reason for that being in Halo 2 you could carry 8 nades (4 of each type). I didn't want to change anything from the original Lockout so the 3 nades carried over into Mockout :p
  4. jordandrako

    jordandrako Forerunner

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    ramp to the tower with the dmr (opposite sniper tower) needs to be fixed so you don't get hung up on it. And the sword needs to be taken off of phased so it doesn't sit in mid air and is lootable once dropped. And even though there were 3 plasma nades in h2, there should only be 2 here since this IS reach after all and we don't want people abusing the extra sticky. All in all amazing remake, best I've yet seen of lockout.
  5. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Thought I fixed that little 'bump'. I guess not :S
    And I completely forgot about the sword being on fixed. I've leant my lesson on not 'fixing' weapons on previous maps xD
    Will fix those problems.
    Still debating whether or not I should make nades only in bunches of 2s though. I like the triangle 3 make...
  6. Zenin

    Zenin Forerunner

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    this is a very faithful remake good work mate! best one out there by far

    Hint: please do guardian next.
  7. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    I'm already working on a Guardian re-make :p

    Glad you like it man ^_^
  8. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Updated the map! Go check it out now! :D
  9. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    In the classic style of an insatiable internet moron, I know demand a conversion of this map to Tempest "C0z teh map is 2 lagzE"
    There is 1 flaw I have seen however: In the original BR tower, you will notice that, from an aerial view, it is assymetrical. Yours however is not. It is only a minor imperfection, but it is one however
    I am very impressed regardless
    Anyway, I know this is really dumb, but may I also request a Blackout remake, all you really have to do is add some pipes and change a few spawns.
    -NinjasWithDucks (remember me?)
  10. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Of course I remember you! :D
    Thanks for pointing that out. I don't know how I managed to completely overlooked that. Prehaps it's because I've been spending too much time with other Lockout re-makes and all theirs seem to be symmetrical, I don't know. Anyway, it's been fixed now. Along with a few other tweaks. Check OP for more details!

    I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic in that first sentence. It really shouldn't lag at all as long as you're not playing split-screen and aren't in forge. Just had a 4 player FFA on it and no lag. Though, I haven't been able to test it with 8 people, still it shouldn't lag. If anyone has played it with a party of 8 what were your results?

    I don't particularly want to re-make Blackout as it's pretty much an inferior version of Lockout and I don't know anyone who'd rather play Blackout than Lockout. Sorry :/

    I'm in the process of getting up pretty pictures of the latest version. Stay tuned!

    EDIT: Pics are up! :D
    #10 MrCheesy, Mar 20, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  11. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    Hooray, you remembered me. And yes, that first line is sarcastic, it is saying how there is almost no lag on the map. Kind of an in-joke among friends, forgot I don't actually know you lol :p.
    But yeah, I haven't seen a single Lockout remake without a symmetrical BR Tower. Alot of people think it is unnecessary, and I guess it kinda is, but it blocks an LoS slightly so I guess it has some merit. Also, if you add that bit in, it IS more accurate, which is an advantage.
    I have played with a party of 7, with 2 people on one screen and there was a tiny bit of lag, but minimal.
    Now I think of it, a transfer to Tempest (less lag, you could include the glass in the center) could actually be quite a good idea, but I don't know about budget and no doubt it would take ages.
    Actually, I would love to see Lockout set up for Infection, as that was the main reason I liked Blackout (many disagree). I also loved some good customs ODST Fiesta (a gametype thought up by me and my friends) on it, but that gametype can't be remade in Reach
    Anyway, very impressed by the map and your crazy attention to detail. Beats every other remake out there
    - NinjasWithDucks (as you know me)

    Edited by merge:

    My new goal is to create a version of your map and some how find out how to incorporate a different weapon set.
    I don't really know why, I'm bored I guess
    #11 Random1, Mar 20, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  12. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    I'm glad you like it bro ^_^

    Yea, that asymmetric BR tower just makes it feel more cozy. A nice place to camp if you have shotgun or sword and those pesky fusion coils are already blown up :p

    Anyway, been playing numerous 1v1s on it and noticed you'd barely, if ever, spawn at bottom-mid. Which wasn't the case in H2. Having 1v1s and 2v2s on that map, when a team controlled sniper tower you'd spawn a lot at bottom-mid. So I've added more weighting to those spawns. Should result in you spawning there more often. Not too much though.

    I've also swapped columns to rail smalls as the columns simply weren't providing enough cover. The "columns" in H2's Lockout were huge. There's just nothing in Forge World's pallet that's that wide and that short. Rail smalls are the closest thing :/

    Also been doing some more "optimization". Got rid of most of the glass on the map. Specifically 2x1 flats and 2x2 flats. Don't know why Bungie decided to incorporate glass into the blocks. It looks bad imo, and is even worse for frame rate :S

    I don't have enough time on my hands to do it all over again on Tempest. I personally hate the map for forging too. Makes all the blocks way too bright.

    I have around $300 left in the budget now. So, if you want to add in crates and whatnot for infection you can do that now :D

    Lastly, I noticed that standing on S2 and looking down into bottom-mid gave you too much of a good view. So I've fixed that up too.

    Edited by merge:

    Mockout's been updated! Check OP for what's new.
    Contemplating making an "optimized" version, where aesthetics have been chucked out the window.
    #12 MrCheesy, Apr 2, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2011

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