Possible to restrict players from playing as elites?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Papa Justice, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. Papa Justice

    Papa Justice Forerunner

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    I tried that. No dice. :( You spawn as an elite but you don't have any loadout options. But thanks anyways!
  2. Rolfero

    Rolfero Ancient
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    Hm, I need to look deeper into this.
    If I get any useful information I'll tell.
  3. TwiztedMatt1007

    TwiztedMatt1007 Ancient
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    There may be some sort of glitch that doesn't allow the option to be displayed/work yet. There is an update coming in the first week of October so, we shall see what happens then. I really hope they have this in the game, otherwise it will really mess up peoples customs.
  4. Drew Baye

    Drew Baye Forerunner

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    Shouldn't the player be able to choose what species they'd like to play as? I prefer Spartan, but if I wanted to play as an Elite I'd be a little pissed off if someone set the game so I couldn't.
  5. TwiztedMatt1007

    TwiztedMatt1007 Ancient
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    Yes, the individual players can choose what race they want but, since each race has different traits, it can mess things up for a custom gametype. I for one hate honor rules and having to ask EVERYONE to change to this or that race. Just annoying and unneeded. I'd rather just have it work than, ok guys, Elites only, ok, now Spartans only, etc.
  6. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
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    I found a way!
    Select Slayer Pro (i think SWAT also works). Then edit the settings how you want them. It worked when I tried it. You will get your only spartan gametype ;) and just select slayer elites and edit it if you want only elites.
  7. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I thought species selection was customisable, before Reach launched there was a video of Sketch playing on Paradiso where he explained that in custom games you can allow Spartans and Elites to play together (because in the game there were Spartans and Elites on the same team)

    I haven't really looked through the gametypes but I'm sure theres an option for species selection, we even has SvE Slayer in the Beta!
  8. TwiztedMatt1007

    TwiztedMatt1007 Ancient
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    To expand on what was said earlier, if you download some of the official gametypes from Bungie's Match Making you can restrict people to only Spartans. I made a point to tag all the official gametypes I could find on bungie.net with the tag bungie. There are a couple that will NOT restrict your race to Spartans. They are as follows: 3-Plot Territories, Race, and I believe Headhunter Pro wouldn't either but since I deleted it, I cannot check. If you want to restrict race for a racing gametype, go with Rally, not Race. If you want to do so for a territories gametype, go with Territories, not 3-Plot. If you happen across other official Bungie gametypes that have not been tagged with bungie, please do so to help the rest of us.

    Edit: It appears there is a 3-Plots gametype that does restrict to Spartans only. If you search for the tag "spartans only" it should come up. Just make sure its creation date is the 13th, not the 8th and you should be getting the right gametype.
    #28 TwiztedMatt1007, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010

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