
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Wtfboomheadshot, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. Wtfboomheadshot

    Wtfboomheadshot Forerunner

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    Edit: Images now Embedded

    Description: Engage Your Enemies

    Recommended Players: 4-16

    Weapons: DMR x 16, Sniper Rifle x 1, Rocket Launcher x 1, Shotgun x 2

    Vehicle Specifications: Rocket Warthog x 2 (Slayer Only)

    Map Overview: Engage is a symmetrical map designed for competitive multi player game play. It was designed with large space in mind but with plenty of cover. The map features 2 bases, a central pyramid for cover, 2 tunnels for safer map travel. 2 layers with 2 man cannons to reach the second layer.

    My GT is : Wtfboomheadshot

    Add me to play both this map and any others you wish.




    Blue Base


    Red Base


    Tunnel / Shotgun Spawn


    Rocket Spawn


    Sniper Spawn

    #1 Wtfboomheadshot, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
  2. Leo

    Leo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    well from your pics ypur map looks cleanly forged but pretty open. And I guesss it would be very much fun to play on, ut many people who use FH are 2 lazy 2 click on links. By the way your map post looks you used a site to upload your pics but didn't put them in [-img-] (don't include -'s) codes so they are links instead of images. Here's how if you can't figure it out.
  3. Wtfboomheadshot

    Wtfboomheadshot Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Updated with Embedded Pictures

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