I use default, but I have my sticks inverted. I don't know why people can be so unkind to those who prefer inverted looking.
Boxer, inverted, and 5 sensitivity. Cuz I'm a boxer. Not really. I tried Bumper Jumper for a while, but couldn't get used to it.
wow i really just had a revolutionary night, for the first time in all the time ive been playing, (halo: CE, halo2, halo3BETA, obv halo3) i tryed a different control type bumperjumper, I'd heard really good things about it, like it helps with sniping b/c you dont have to move your aiming thumb off the analog stick, and it also had somthing to do with the fact that walshy, (yhslaw) used BJ w/5 sen. The whole night went really well and i went undefeated, yay! i will suggest to anyone who would listen the bumperjumper control cofig
ten sensitivity??? your crazy! how hyperactive are you lol? i remember not being able to aim well enough with my pistol at four!! im switching to bumper jumper for permanents. im using campaign to get used to it. lol and with the cowbell skull it really makes me have to use the jump button so thats good. of course at first i was so wacked up i went back to halo 2 controls and was pressing x to reload for a second.. i think i used something valuable. oh well
I use Default, I've tested all of them and I prefer Default. The runner up is bumper jumper, I need to be able jump by pressing a. I have vibration and my sensitivity is on 6, sometimes I use 10
Default, sensitivity 6. Vibration on. Vibration off is like watching a movie without surround sound. Remember, games are for fun.